Ice fishing for trout help needed…..

  • Mocha
    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Hoping to find a few local trout experts on IDO!
    I will be going out to a local deep trout lake this coming week and have no idea where to start. The lake is stocked with trout and we can only use one line and no live minnows. The lake max depth is about 80′ with the majority of the lake over 40′.

    How deep of water should we look for them?

    What types of bait & lures should we try?


    Posts: 1291

    Most likely they will be suspended.I would start with a W5 silver/black or silver/blue jig rapala.Tip it with spikes or waxie and work down,if not using a locator.

    I fished a quarry that I caught stockers as shallow as 5′ under the ice. And that was in 65′ of water.Browns and rainbows.Clear water,they loved that W5 jig rap.

    Paul Nault
    Posts: 2

    I use a white tube jig and if ur allowed to use dead bait use some frozen minnow on it the lakes I fish for trout also can’t use live minnows but dead are ok white tube is all I use for trout as for water depth depends on the bait fish that are the lake good way to start is set some tip ups up and see where ur getting bites I’ve caught trout any where from 5 to 60 ft of water depends

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    In the area I fish for trout they are suspended from 18-25 Fow. I also fish for them in depths of 300-500 wof. If that help.

    Steve Thompson
    Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    Posts: 185

    We have some great Rainbow, Brown, Brooke, Splake and Lake Trout fishing in the Black Hills of SD. Lake Pactola has depths up to 140′ and Deerfield has depths up to 90′.

    When we chase Rainbow trout, we rarely leave the shallow bays where we find some of the largest Rainbows in depths under 25′ and many times in less than 10′ fow. Most times we vertically jig them with spoons or jigs packed with euro-larva. Many times if I’m in say 20′ fow, I’m jigging 5′, 10′ or even 15′ feet off the bottom.

    You can see in the one photo how close to the shoreline I am. We found lots of bows packed into an area with less then 8′ fow.

    1. Bow-1.jpg

    2. Bow-2.jpg

    3. Map-2.jpg

    4. IMG_1504.jpg

    5. Map-1.jpg

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    THX for all the info guys! Will report back on our hopefully success!

    Posts: 255

    Start way shallow, like 4 or 5 feet.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Forgot to post my results so here it is.

    Went out trout fishing yesterday (3-10-15) afternoon from 3:30 till dark. Fished in 6-12′ of water with all the fish coming from under 8′ of water. Caught 20+ fish with the biggest being 17″ and a total of 3 keepers. Best bait was a 1/16oz green jig tipped with a wax worm. Had a blast and plan on giving it more time next winter. THX for all the advise!

    1. IMG_1775.jpg

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