Here’s a question for you guys. I was out this weekend searching some new areas for panfish. It was a large lake and there wasn’t another person within a mile of me. I drill a line of holes looking for fish. After I located some fish I set up the house. My plan was at sunset to hole hop that string of holes (maybe 12 holes). I got my son set up in the house and I hear a wheeler drive up… I think nothing of it. I step out of the house to hole hop and two guys are kicking the slush away from the holes I drilled…
I know this can be a grey area. For example if it’s a busy area and there are old holes, fish away! Even fresh holes in a populated area… ya go ahead, right? I think that’s a fairly standard practice, but how about fresh holes next to someone all alone??
I wasn’t going to say anything, but I made the comment that I hadn’t even checked those holes yet and he barked back at me, “IT’S A PUBLIC LAKE!” I said “yes but it’d be nice if you asked first I guess. I would have said yes.” He just put his head down and kept fishing.
Maybe I’m the one that’s wrong? If so can I just follow a guy with an auger and fish behind him?
It was all good and everyone caught plenty of fish. I just felt this was pretty questionable etiquette on their part. At the end of the day it’s all about enjoying the outdoors, but being a nice guy should be part of that, shouldn’t it? Thoughts?