Ice Conditions on Mississippi Backwaters Pools 9-12

  • Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1858

    My buddy and I were looking to go this weekend and search for some pannies on the backwaters and was wondering if anyone had any current reports on ice conditions on pools 9-12, as they are located close to me in Eastern Iowa.



    Marine Pete
    Posts: 46

    The ice in pool 4 was getting bad with Mondays 40’s before the rain Tuesday. I would think it is worse down that way? Better wear a life jacket if you decide to try your luck on the ice. I would ask a local bait shop or guide before deciding to venture out.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1858

    Thanks Pete!
    I figured as much, it’s been pretty wet and warm this way and I just want to avoid any issues. I will give the local bait shop a jingle and see what they say.


    Posts: 3319

    Haven’t been out in the last 10 days myself. My son and brother were out last Sat. on the WI side of Pool 11 and ice was fine. Just check as you go is the best advice I can give.

    Marine Pete
    Posts: 46

    I agree ice was good Sat. The warm weather after that and rain, not sure what happened down there, changed ice conditions dramatically. Will try to post update from observations this weekend. Definitely will be wearing my float jacket and using a spud.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1858

    Haven’t been out in the last 10 days myself. My son and brother were out last Sat. on the WI side of Pool 11 and ice was fine. Just check as you go is the best advice I can give.

    Thanks for the update! We are either going to Sunfish Lake on the lower end of pool 11 or perhaps Bussey or Sny Magill. I appreciate the feedback!

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