Ice conditions in NW WI.

  • Joel W Taylor
    Posts: 108

    I did some scouting today in Sawyer County and it looks like getting around is going to be pretty tough. One landing I checked would go from bare ice to 8″ of slush to 15″ of snow in less than 75 yards. I would be leery about going out even with a sled unless I had a few guys and machines to help if someone got bogged down in snow or slush.

    Anyone been out and can comment on what they are finding?

    Posts: 798

    In Bayfield county pretty much the same. Last time I was on the ice there was a lot of slush and that was before the additional 4 inches of new snow. Snowmobile trails I believed opened yesterday and I have not seen any snowmobiles on the lake. Think conditions are pretty bad still.

    Posts: 1275

    Checked the landings around the Balsam Lake area, looks like foot traffic on most lakes, some lakes not even that. couple had a lot of slush in the tracks going out..

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    I’m fishing now at my cabin near Spooner. Probably 6 inches or so of ice but two slush layers on top. Wet sloppy walking. Rubber boots a must.

    Posts: 180

    That might as well be mars compared to down here in the metro, it always amazes me the difference even a few hours makes. Good luck!

    Posts: 2224

    On a mid-sized lake in Polk County – yesterday.

    There was a slush line that extended from the shoreline (private cabin – so first time accessed) out about 50 – 75 feet. That slush was over ankle deep in area as we walked back and forth across it. We ran into a small slush pocket out further too, but most of the lake was slush free.

    Snow was a little under 1 foot.

    Crappies and pannies bit well in the late afternoon and early evening. Bite was extremely subtle most of the time.

    Posts: 798

    I just went out today to check the ice and slush conditions. I live on a lake in Bayfield Wisconsin. Just about got stuck with all the slush. Some areas ok and other areas not so. There was about 2 inches of ice then 2 inches of water then another 2 inches of ice and 3-4 inches of water then about 14 inches of ice. Some areas had snow cover and all slush with about 6 inches of water under the snow. I have a SXS with tracks and I was lucky to get it off the lake. Even where I originally went out on the ice I saw no slush but coming back the tracks in the snow were filled with water. Plenty of ice but the slush is a killer for getting around. Looks like another bad year for getting around on the lake again.

    Dan Buchmann
    Posts: 61

    Was out yesterday on a large lake near Spooner. No slush but very rough ice/snow drifts. Had about 8″ of ice. 6″ of good hard ice then 2-3″ of frozen slush. Looks like another storm coming this week which is going to make it miserable getting around.

    Posts: 798

    With another 8” of wet snow on top of all the snow and slush on the lake, looks like this is going to be a bad year for ice fishing. We really didn’t need this last snow.

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