Ice condition Report – Ottertail, Park Rapids, Perham Area’s

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12589

    I spend a 3 day weekend getting in what I though may be one last weekend of icefishing. From what I saw and looking at the forecast, I think there is at least 1 more if not 2 more weeks of ice fishing remaining for sure. We Hit a lake near Park Rapids on Friday, a lake near Ottertail on Sat. and one near Perham on Sun. No problems getting on any of the lakes we fished. Some of the landings we passed were starting to get a little beat up, but most others still looked fine. Saw almost no place with shores starting to pull away from the edges yet. Once on the lake these was between 25-30″ of ice remaining with most of it still rather hard ice. The area did get a fair amount of Snow last Wed. or Thur and there was a little shush on a few lakes – Nothing to bad. One thing I was shocked to see is how few people were out fishing. We put on over 200 miles on Sat. and drove past a ton of lakes and saw very few people fishing. Had a bait store report of several lakes with a decent bite and there was NO one on any of them. Bet I saw less than 3 dozen people on all the lakes we drove past. Only 6-8 other people on the 3 lakes we fished. I hope to get in one more weekend of fishing. Not sure if it will be next weekend or take a chance and wait till the following weekend.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6007

    We drove to Aitkin then up to Grand Rapids, we passed many many lakes-almost all were completely empty-hard to understand, such a great time to fish. Always like having the lake to myself, so not complaining.

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