Ice climbing screws

  • broeker
    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 273

    I recently bought a single ice climbing screw to test it out, and I’ll be ordering 3 more without a doubt. I totally get that a $65 “ice stake” may sound like insanity, but if you are in a place where that doesn’t seem like a big deal, these things are freaking amazing.

    You just put some pressure on it, and start screwing it in with your finger tips, and it digs into the ice faster and smoother than a wine opener into a cork.

    And, yes, I’m well aware of all the drill adapters for conventional ice stakes (I own one of the Eskimos.) They work “fine” but it means you are switching out your auger and/or carrying two drills every time you want to drive a stake. These ice screws are just flat out better in every way (except cost.)

    p.s. I won’t link a specific product just google “ice climbing screws” — i got the 16CM size black diamond from REI and $65 is the lowest price I can find online.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    It’s your money. Spend it how you want!!!!! I bought a 30 dollar tooth brush yesterday. Now you will need a caribeaner on every ice house strap to pull tight. Seems a large waste but that’s only my opinion, been ice fishing daily for 30 years. The screws with a hub do not need a drill. They push in easy. And on a windy windy day with my resort hub I use 3. I think the way you are going isn’t cost effective at all.

    Posts: 332

    It’s your money. Spend it how you want!!!!! I bought a 30 dollar tooth brush yesterday. Now you will need a caribeaner on every ice house strap to pull tight. Seems a large waste but that’s only my opinion, been ice fishing daily for 30 years. The screws with a hub do not need a drill. They push in easy. And on a windy windy day with my resort hub I use 3. I think the way you are going isn’t cost effective at all.

    The original poster made it pretty clear that hes aware of everything you just said…And I will disagree with your statement that the hub screws push in just fine. The screws are absolutely the worst “piece” of a hub house. I’ve seen those climbing screws in the past and was curious how well they worked, nice to hear they work as good as they do. If I used my hub more than once or twice a year I’d be all over it!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Maybe I’m lucky. I push down and twist and my ice screws go in pretty easy. I just don’t think having more money in to screws then the shack is a win.
    I like the idea but there has to be a more cost efficient idea.

    Posts: 334

    Lag bolts, washer welded on if needed and drill. I’ve had a few of the factory ice screws bend over or snap off way to easily. Typically have way more with than needed.

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    Glad to hear that the ice screw worked for you, Broeker. I considered it myself but didn’t buy because of price. I use 5” torx screws with a fender washer held on by a rubber washer and my drill. I’m waiting for the ice fishing companies to improve their anchors. Maybe they are better than they used to be. My experience was they did not turn by hand, they bent and needed a pilot hole from a drill bit. Looks like adapters have gotten better but I’ve not tried any recently.
    My assumption is that an ice screw could be a lot cheaper if it didn’t have to save my life while climbing a frozen waterfall. Call out to manufacturers to make an improved ice anchor!
    Lots of guys are constantly looking for the next best product, and spending their hard earned money in any way that suits them. I’m following your ideas because you’re pushing the envelope and making people think. Thanks!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    I’m with BC, never had an issue with Otter screws. They have a sharp point and bite into the ice quickly.
    I did try galvanized lags and washers with a screw gun but that wasn’t close to how fast I could sink in an Otter screw.

    Posts: 12741

    Yeah never had an issue with my otter screws. Must be lucky.

    Posts: 9189

    You guys doing otter screws by hand or drill?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    by hand for me.

    Posts: 12741

    I have done both But drill is my preferred method.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    You guys doing otter screws by hand or drill?

    Hand. My drill is on a clam plate

    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 273

    My assumption is that an ice screw could be a lot cheaper if it didn’t have to save my life while climbing a frozen waterfall.

    Exactly. You can spend $30 on a single carabiner that will save your life, or $2 for an otherwise identical one that positively will not save your life but does the same job in every other way.

    I’d imagine it would be very easy to build a much cheaper, consumer grade version of these screws also if somebody thought there was a market for them.

    Posts: 122

    I saw an underwater diving crew use them to lift out the large chunk of ice they cut, by running a rod through the eyes on the screws. I was looking for them several years ago, but couldn’t decide on a length. But I ran across some similar ones at Cabela’s and bought them. They were cheaper, and likely not as good, since the metal may be thicker, but they do work much better than the lag type ones.

    Posts: 4800

    I make my own but requires a drill

    1. C3C73859-E981-4E76-B608-48FE95EBF6A6-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 122

    Cabelas? I’m looking for them.

    Yeah, but it was several years ago. I don’t even remember who made them.

    1. IMG_20221220_180156252-scaled.jpg

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    There are many other things out there that will work. Spending more on ice stakes then you did your shack is very silly. Again my otter ice stakes take 2 minutes to screw in the 3 I might put in. On a normal day I don’t put any in. On a breezy day I put 1 in and a windy day I might put 3 in. No need to over kill.

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 865

    Previously I have heard others complain about the screws for their hub. I own a Otter hub and the screws seem to go in fairly easily by hand. A drill speeds up the process but not needed. I can’t say that I ever heard any one complain about a Otter screw…..

    Posts: 14

    Previously I have heard others complain about the screws for their hub. I own a Otter hub and the screws seem to go in fairly easily by hand. A drill speeds up the process but not needed. I can’t say that I ever heard any one complain about a Otter screw…..

    My Eskimo screws are quick and easy too.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1597

    Broeker, bet you didn’t even know how wrong you were. This is the “mine is better site”.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Broeker, bet you didn’t even know how wrong you were. This is the “mine is better site”.

    Because guys were showing what they use instead ? Giving him other options that are not 60 bucks each. Seems like pretty decent advice, and good ideas that I didn’t have

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>3rdtryguy wrote:</div>
    Broeker, bet you didn’t even know how wrong you were. This is the “mine is better site”.

    Because guys were showing what they use instead ? Giving him other options that are not 60 bucks each. Seems like pretty decent advice, and good ideas that I didn’t have

    The OP didn’t ask what others were using. He didn’t ask for options. He didn’t ask if you thought he was very silly. He didn’t ask if you thought his purchase was a large waste. He didn’t ask if you could do it better for less money.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    The OP didn’t ask what others were using. He didn’t ask for options. He didn’t ask if you thought he was very silly. He didn’t ask if you thought his purchase was a large waste. He didn’t ask if you could do it better for less money.

    I didn’t ask you chased

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 865

    Nope, not a single question from the OP.

    My apologies to any one that I may have offended for responding when no question was asked…….

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