ice bundle transducer storage ?

  • cheers
    Posts: 333

    I recently purchased an ice bundle , comes as lvs32if transducer and a 95 sv finder with large bag and mount. My question is how to store and transport the transducer attached to the stub pole in the bag when ice fishing ? Typically I would have my unit in a tote behind my seat of my snow machine and attach the transducer to the main garmin pole when I get to the spot. The transducer is permanently attached to the short pole . Meaning the transducer is stuffed into the bag loosely and not very secure Shouldn’t the transducer be more protected ?

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Same here, so I bought a Bass Tank cover to protect in the bag. Make me feel better.

    Brady Valberg
    Posts: 326

    Buy a summit pole. Quick connect system. I also have the basstank transducer cover and I put that on and pull the pin to slide the piece that the transducer mounts to and stick the ducer in the side pocket

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