Ice buddy tag along

  • westdan719
    Posts: 23

    Hey! Just throwing it out any serious ice angler going out alone. I want to go out more this winter. Only have my 4 year old son to go out with. Lost my fishing buddy last year. I will travel and have my own gear. I just don’t prefer to go out alone for safety. I do now, but always easier with two or more.
    I live in WI, but again I always go to ND. Would love to venture to MN and try some waters I’ve looked up. Thanks

    Posts: 2804

    It’s tough to find good, dedicated fishing buddies nowadays(for probably a lot of different reasons). At least that’s been my experience. I am, however, located in the twin cities so that plays into it too.

    This is a good place to nab one. Welcome to IDO if you are new!

    Posts: 23

    Thanks LabDad… I know what you mean. Just want to discover good fishing. Safety and efficiency come into play with a partner.

    Shafer, MN
    Posts: 137

    Whereabouts in WI are you located? Might help if anyone browsing through happens to live close.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I will agree that early and late season I won’t go alone. I have been thru the ice and am a little older and wiser now. This is a great place to find fishing nuts. I have meet up and fished with many fantastic people that I have meet here. Add your location to your information. I am sure you can find someone that is on here and close to you who wants to fish. I was surprised on how many people on here that are only 15 min or less away from my house.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21939

    I have found a few fishing partners on here, both ice and open water. 1 of which we fish almost every weekend together both hard and soft water and many evenings after work. I also have a few other guys who we fish together but our schedules don’t mash up so it’s more of a when ever we can make it work. And you will always meet a few that you know just isn’t a good fit so you fish for the day and say goodbye.
    I fish alot and have a family life so I enjoy taking my son with and I like having a buddy who I can say hey tomorrow let’s roll some where at 330 am and fish till noon or 1.
    But I also go solo often as well.

    Posts: 23

    I’m in New Berlin which is Waukesha County.

    Shafer, MN
    Posts: 137

    You are definitely out of the the range that I normally fish, but if you ever want to try catching hook and line sturgeon through the ice on the St Croix you can give me a shout. I live right on the border between MN and WI near Osceola, WI and spend most of my ice fishing either at my cabin near the Siren area or on the Croix after sturgeon.

    Posts: 36

    hey i live in star prairie im looking for some guys in the area to go on weeknights my schedule is funny so i get done early some days ive been going alot lately by myself and lots of ice fishing time off 2 its our slow season in winter i also hit the croix on the ice for dinosaurs 2 once in awhile hey lost hit me up maby ill show u some local honey holes

    Posts: 119

    I live near the middle of Lake Sakakawea and primarily ice fish that. Sometimes I go to Devils Lake. I love ice camping but do day trips too since I live nearby. The only person I fished with that loved it as much as I do moved to Texas. Past few years I’ve been hesitant to meet up with others but safety is a concern.

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