My son and his girlfriend and her mom and boyfriend came for a small vacation and to catch some trout with my daughter and myself. While my son grew up trout fishing, my daughter hasn’t fished in 15 years, and the others are from the Iowa Great Lakes region and have never been around trout streams. After an introduction to #12 hooks and 2 lb. test, we were off to try our luck. We fished Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, on Sny McGill, Bloddy Run, and Richmond Springs. We cought over 50 fish, mostly rainbows and browns, but a handful of nice brookies too. While we were careful to release the little ones, we did keep enough for a meal and sent a meal home with each couple. With all the recent rain, I expected to see muddy water, and poor conditions. Surprisingly, only Sny had that “mocha latte” appearance, but we still managed a few fish. The others were high, but fishable. While we used a variety of baits, and artificials, the best overall was a plain old nightcrawler(or a piece of one) drifted naturally in the current, or if not much drift a slight movement triggered strikes often. I wished I would have had my wife’s digital camera, as there were a few 15 – 16 inch fish that we couldn’t pick up in one hand. All in all a great time had by everyone, and “while you can’t go back home again” the past 4 days brought back some really great family fishing memories. I’ll stop rambling, but if you have not hit the streams becasue of the weather, don’t pass up a good opportunity, you could be missing out on some good fun and good food.
June 16, 2004 at 10:46 pm