I was probably being a d*ck, but it sure was funny!

  • michael keehr
    Posts: 363

    Alright my buddy says I have to tell this one. Fishing on lake Alexander near randall mn August 2003. Had just started musky fishing the year prior. Had a pretty good bite going and was set up on a spot that I had moved a few nice fish on prior and had boated 2 mid 30s that dayI was working the area over heavy and a boat comes flying in on me. Guy proceeds to tell me i need to leave he is trying to film a show and he wants to work the spot. I am in my mid 20s and tell guy to urine off. He screams at me so I reach down and throw out my anchor. And proceed to hang out. I just sat there didn’t even fish anymore until he left. 30 minutes later I stick a 46 incher. I head into shore park my boat and get my truck. As I walk down to get my boat said guy is at the dock. He proceeds to get in my face and shove me. Screaming I caught the fish he needed for his show. I proceed to tell him off and as he goes to shove me again I side step and he falls in the drink. I always laugh with my buddy who happened to show up just as he was getting out of the water.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 556

    I did the jukebox thing except it was Inna Godda Davida by Iron Butterfly – all 17+ minutes of it. I only stayed for the first play. At first a few were rocking out, but if you have ever heard it, that only lasts for 5 minutes then it turns into a weird instrumental trip out. By the time it was finished the whole bar was silent – looking around trying to figure out who did it. I wonder what happened afterwards as I think I hit it for 6 plays.

    Posts: 104

    Working on a paving crew in college… after school each day these kids would come done the road and the passenger would hold open the passenger door and knock down all our cones… filled 3 of them up with asphalt and set them in the line about 10 cones in so he could get a good running start….. I will never forget the melodic thunks of those cones smashing into the door…

    Also I used to love to crack open and eat cans of smoked oysters when we were on a jump in the Army. Summertime in NC, outside temps about 95 and sitting in a cramped C130 with the smell of jet exhaust and smoked oysters…. I’m fortunate to have an ironclad stomach… most people aren’t.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404

    Working on a paving crew in college… after school each day these kids would come done the road and the passenger would hold open the passenger door and know down all our cones… filled 3 of them up with asphalt and set them in the line about 10 cones in so he could get a good running start….. I will never forget the melodic thanks of those cones smashing into the door…

    Love this! Wished I could of been there! waytogo

    Hope when the kid got home his Dad smash .

    Posts: 51

    Whenever I am up north at a bar with a jukebox I will put on a ridiculous song right before I leave and let everyone enjoy the music. My go-tos are usually Baja Men (who let the dogs out) or Marilyn Manson. The Touch Tone app is wonderful for playing music anonymously.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12686

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news (especially for the bars that have been collecting your $40 or $30 a time) but Juke Boxes and the bars that have them, have had the ability to skip songs for at least 20 years, basically since they moved away from having physical CD’s/Records in them.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9135

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news (especially for the bars that have been collecting your $40 or $30 a time) but Juke Boxes and the bars that have them, have had the ability to skip songs for at least 20 years, basically since they moved away from having physical CD’s/Records in them.

    Shhhh…this is the thread about being a D*ck. Let them deposit the funds thinking it bothered people devil

    Posts: 756

    Working on a paving crew in college… after school each day these kids would come done the road and the passenger would hold open the passenger door and know down all our cones… filled 3 of them up with asphalt and set them in the line about 10 cones in so he could get a good running start….. I will never forget the melodic thanks of those cones smashing into the door…

    Love this. It’s right up there with the 4″ steel mail box post buried in the ground 6′ and filled with concrete.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22383

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news (especially for the bars that have been collecting your $40 or $30 a time) but Juke Boxes and the bars that have them, have had the ability to skip songs for at least 20 years, basically since they moved away from having physical CD’s/Records in them.

    I was thinking the same thing. Same as volume buttons

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I’ve never been a douche to anyone. Just yesterday going to Joe’s sporting goods. That left turn into Cty B has two lanes, one onto B and the other going into Cubs. The guy going to Cub decided that he will speed up and pass me. Yes so I let them even though the speed limit there is 40 and he’s gonna at least hit 55 or more by then. Then he goes to Joe’s and I go to Joe’s. He goes into the wrong way so he’s apparently in a hurry right. He goes to pick his parking spot, and yeah the next parking spot is just across him so I park there too.

    He’s got the oh Shizzzzz look in his face. I step out of my vehicle…he’s not. He stays in his vehicle. For someone so in a hurry that suddenly he’s not.

    So why do people act like they’re the biggest Shiizzz, then reality is they’re little shizzzz.

    I’m on my happy mood to waste my money at Joe’s. I don’t let people like that ruin my mood. They’re the ones who’s gotta wake up to their own face everyday and I don’t need to be part of that.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    Alright my buddy says I have to tell this one. Fishing on lake Alexander near randall mn August 2003. Had just started musky fishing the year prior. Had a pretty good bite going and was set up on a spot that I had moved a few nice fish on prior and had boated 2 mid 30s that dayI was working the area over heavy and a boat comes flying in on me. Guy proceeds to tell me i need to leave he is trying to film a show and he wants to work the spot. I am in my mid 20s and tell guy to urine off. He screams at me so I reach down and throw out my anchor. And proceed to hang out. I just sat there didn’t even fish anymore until he left. 30 minutes later I stick a 46 incher. I head into shore park my boat and get my truck. As I walk down to get my boat said guy is at the dock. He proceeds to get in my face and shove me. Screaming I caught the fish he needed for his show. I proceed to tell him off and as he goes to shove me again I side step and he falls in the drink. I always laugh with my buddy who happened to show up just as he was getting out of the water.

    Awesome Karma!

    I don’t understand why can’t others leave us alone when we’re just out there to enjoy the outdoors for ourselves. I great to be a 20 some year old and with side step skills.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17565

    As a person ages what is important seems to change. Prior to age 40 you are on the uphill side and in a hurry to reach the top. After age 40 you are on the downhill side and not in a hurry to get to the end. crazy

    Posts: 51

    A few years back the first day of fishing season a buddy and I were catching and releasing walleyes one right after the other. There was a boat about 100 yards away watching us. Then a boat pulled up next to the other boat and I could hear them talking, “go over by those guys, there catching a bunch….” Well the guy with a ranger started heading over, you could tell he was looking at his locator to see what structure we were on. he kept getting closer. I told my buddy if that F’r gets any closer I’m going to throw my lure in his boat. Well he kept on coming, I was tossing a 3/8 oz jig and I wound up and let er rip. The jig landed in his boat right behind the driver. His passenger saw the jig, I reeled up the slack and jerked it, the jig came up off the floor and hit the driver in the shoulder. I dropped it back on the floor and then ripped it again and it shot over the side and landed in the water. The guy jerked around and said “Hey!” I said you hey! there 3500 F’n acres of water here you don’t have to fish in my F’n boat!. He grumbled a little and then sped out of there. Then his buddy joined him and we could hear them again..”did you see that SOB, he threw his bait right in my boat….”

    I laugh my ass off to this day. The bad part is the dickhead still does it. If you are on a spot he’ll come with in casting distance and anchor. Last year I was musky fishing a hump with my spot lock on. he comes toolin across the lake to walleye fish and I tossed a bulldawg right in front of him. I don’t know if he saw it but he kept on going and went to a different spot. I could have stayed there till dark but I moved and sure enough he went over to it.

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