Alright my buddy says I have to tell this one. Fishing on lake Alexander near randall mn August 2003. Had just started musky fishing the year prior. Had a pretty good bite going and was set up on a spot that I had moved a few nice fish on prior and had boated 2 mid 30s that dayI was working the area over heavy and a boat comes flying in on me. Guy proceeds to tell me i need to leave he is trying to film a show and he wants to work the spot. I am in my mid 20s and tell guy to urine off. He screams at me so I reach down and throw out my anchor. And proceed to hang out. I just sat there didn’t even fish anymore until he left. 30 minutes later I stick a 46 incher. I head into shore park my boat and get my truck. As I walk down to get my boat said guy is at the dock. He proceeds to get in my face and shove me. Screaming I caught the fish he needed for his show. I proceed to tell him off and as he goes to shove me again I side step and he falls in the drink. I always laugh with my buddy who happened to show up just as he was getting out of the water.

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