I want to – NO NEED to get in better shape by summer.

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Exercise and staying active is a very important key in a healthy life both mentally and physically. I give you props Matt. I tried to do the gym thing and just can’t do it. I have weights in my basement, but I don’t like them either. Why ride bikes every night at home the son and I, but maybe 2 to 5 miles. Along with lots of dirt track jumps.
    The kids keep me on my toes all night after work

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    What is a work out considered.

    Everything you listed in your day to day, is the ultimate workout imo. I played nearly every sport growing up all the way thru college, often doing lifting and cardio programs twice or more per day. And still to this day the best shape I ever was in was the summer I worked in a stone quarry outside Mankato and from 6 am until 5 pm moved 80+ pound jackhammer drills and splitters around and shoveled rock all day.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5170

    Exercise and staying active is a very important key in a healthy life both mentally and physically. I give you props Matt. I tried to do the gym thing and just can’t do it. I have weights in my basement, but I don’t like them either. Why ride bikes every night at home the son and I, but maybe 2 to 5 miles. Along with lots of dirt track jumps.
    The kids keep me on my toes all night after work

    You mentioned but hasn’t been talked about much… exercise is as much mental as physical. Mental and physical health are tied together more than most realize.

    I’m also excited that our 6yo daughter is getting into biking and more outdoors stuff. My wife and I have fat tire bikes we ride and she’s getting into biking. No better mental or physical activity than to get outside with the kids doing something everyone enjoys.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    I try to do something active every day for an hour, usually 2 days in a row of lifting, 1 day of light cardio or “active rest”, repeat.. I really enjoy weight lifting, it’s my “me time” each day. I’ve built a pretty quality garage gym over the years. If I don’t do something active every day I can notice it in all aspects of my life, from knee/shoulder/joint pain (if I don’t use them, they hurt), to enjoying life and family, more mentally happy, to getting less agitated with my young children.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    If I don’t do something active every day I can notice it in all aspects of my life, from knee/shoulder/joint pain (if I don’t use them, they hurt), to enjoying life and family, more mentally happy, to getting less agitated with my young children.

    Same here, except with my two young boys they don’t sleep in anymore which is when I used to work out, so now it’s choosing between working out and angry/tired wife or letting her sleep and having an angry/tired self.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    Same here, except with my two young boys they don’t sleep in anymore which is when I used to work out, so now it’s choosing between working out and angry/tired wife or letting her sleep and having an angry/tired self.

    Similar… I was in a good early morning routine and then one of our 3 kids also decided for the last 2 years that he was going to become an inconsistent early morning sleeper and wakeup between 4:30-6:00 each day. I’ve since gotten a new routine of a 1 hour window right after work and before picking them up from daycare, but I wish I could get the early mornings back. Someday..

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Your guys kids don’t wake up naturally at 6 like ours do. Ever since new born. Lol thats why I beat them to it and wake up at 345

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    become an inconsistent early morning sleeper and wakeup between 4:30-6:00 each day. I’ve since gotten a new routine of a 1 hour window right after work and before picking them up from daycare, but I wish I could get the early mornings back. Someday..

    Yup, this is exactly what I’m going thru now. They used to sleep until 7-730, and I’d get my workout in at 6-630 and be done by the time they were waking. Now they are regularly up for the day at 6-630, with a couple middle of the night room service calls, and I work until 5 when I need to pick them up after to get a few hours of quality time. This too shall pass, or it will be warm enough that the 4 year old can come with or the baby can ride on my back for my morning walk.

    South Central Minnesota
    Posts: 815

    Your guys kids don’t wake up naturally at 6 like ours do. Ever since new born. Lol thats why I beat them to it and wake up at 345

    I was about a 4:30 wakeup, and had “me-time” or workout till 6:00 when they’d start to wake. Then they started getting up earlier. Then when I started getting up earlier I noticed it affecting my everyday energy levels and moods, getting irritated easier, etc. Throw in getting up 1-5x a night between all of them, and I just wasn’t getting good sleep. I’m somebody that needs sleep, and quite frankly it does wonders for your health (even weight loss) too.

    Posts: 2596

    Sex, it’s a great workout if done right on your part. And seriously, how is your sex life? Do you have the drive? If not you may have low testosterone. If having sex, how is your erection? If it just ain’t there anymore, get checked out especially by a cardiologist. If your blood flow needed for an erection is compromised, you heart may be also with coronary artery disease. If everything is good, then it’s a great workout if your getting a great sweat going.

    Posts: 1499

    Sex, it’s a great workout if done right on your part. And seriously, how is your sex life? Do you have the drive? If not you may have low testosterone. If having sex, how is your erection? If it just ain’t there anymore, get checked out especially by a cardiologist. If your blood flow needed for an erection is compromised, you heart may be also with coronary artery disease. If everything is good, then it’s a great workout if your getting a great sweat going.

    At 62 my sex work out last about 2 minutes

    Posts: 2596

    Well, based on your earlier onset of fatigue and loss of stamina, I would highly recommend getting a thorough work up by a cardiologist. Stress test with imaging. At your age it would be smart to get an idea of your heart health before engaging in higher levels of exertion. Heart attacks suck.

    Gary Will
    Posts: 5

    My weight loss kind of just happened. With my yearly physical I found out A1c was 6.4. Full blown diabetes is 6.5. Really pissed me off and I was ticked at myself. Last thing I want is diabetes. Doc said losing 10 pounds would go a long way for me. 5 foot 9 205 pounds. 2 months later I weigh 177 pounds.

    Without trying to make it sound too simple I just cut calorie intake and the junk that I ate. Went cold turkey on Lays potato chips, ice cream and m and ms. I had never kept track of calories but started to keep track of calories of food I ate. A 61 year old man like me is supposed to be between 2000-2600 calories per day. When I started mid December to try to lose weight I was averaging 1800 calories per day or less. I couldn’t believe how fast I lost weight. First two weeks I lost almost one pound per day. I just ate lean meat-pork and beef loin, fish, shrimp and chicken. Lots of veggies and fruit. No potatoes, rice or noodles. I just eat double veggies.

    For my crunch desire I eat Blue Diamond Nut Thin crackers and Nuts-walnuts, almonds, pistashios and cashews. For my chocolate desire I eat 72% or higher dark chocolate with whipped cream.

    I don’t drink normal soda- maybe one diet a day and lots of water.

    Not trying to over- simplify but maybe try keeping track of calories of foods you eat. Just goggle it to find out calorie count and how many calories a day is appropriate for you. If you eat less calories than you were used to you will lose weight.

    I consider this life style change not dieting. I am satisfied and believe I can continue. Now that I lost this much I do drink occasional old-fashioned and eat rib eye and potato. Will eventually bring back some potato chips and ice cream in moderation.

    Good luck to you on your weight loss. Put your mind to it- you can do it.

    Posts: 5307

    I like Castle Rocks idea. Throw some kama sutra in there for flexibility, and NIN “Closer” for the HIIT interval training

    Posts: 5307

    Double oops

    Posts: 9311

    I ate half a bag of sour patch kids while reading this thread. coffee

    Posts: 333

    Get a full size dog! It will demand you take it for daily walks and wont accept excuses for not going and it makes walking fun .

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Get a full size dog! It will demand you take it for daily walks and wont accept excuses for not going and it makes walking fun .

    My shepherds do a great job of this. No excuse for not going for a walk

    Posts: 333

    Also go to your cupboard and get rid he large size dinner plates . You probably have lunch plates that are smaller. Make it a rule that you can eat anything on your medium size plate you want, but no refills and no mounding. After supper leave the dishes and get out of kitchen away from food . Eat lots of fruit for snacks and drink water. Get rid of bad foods in the house that way they are not temptations. And walk your dog or borrow the neighbours dog if needed . Diets don’t work!It has been proven that 95% of diets will result in a net gain of weight after diet is stopped. You need a lifestyle change to win .

    Brandon M
    Posts: 6

    If you want to lose some quickly, switch to all water and try intermittent fasting. I initially started this for some autoimmune issues I had. Pretty tough for the first couple of weeks but pounds will shed off.

    It’s really simple too, basically eat anything you want within a 6 hour time frame. The rest of the day is only water or black coffee. Once you get past that initial phase it’s pretty incredible.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3417

    Look up Bulletproof coffee…that’s a good option to fasting. High protein, low carb, plus caffeine. It’s an acquired taste though.

    I’m trying to find it and seeing a few different things come up. Can you share a link?

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    I had been slacking a bit on my intermittent fasting plan but I’m putting forth a renewed effort to stick to it better! How everyone doing with their plans and goals? Spring is a great time as any to refresh your motivation! woot

    Posts: 4362

    I think my goal of losing some weight coincides with my goal of drinking less beer. Neither has happened yet.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1592

    Heart attack April 11, heart surgery April 15 were very motivational. Down 20+ pounds since then, blood pressure maintaining around 120/70. A long journey ahead but getting back in the swing, walking 3 miles a day and riding the stationary bike 30 minutes a day. Need to get past the 10 pound lifting restriction so I can fish! That won’t be until the end of June but if all goes well I’ll be following the dog through the woods when grouse season opens.

    Good luck to all on their health journeys.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    I’m still holding strong, I get in better shape every day I feel. I still keep pushing my self early am to late pm. I did kind of notice alot of the guys saying they need to loose weight are the same ones telling every one the best and newest TV shows. Instead of watching that show, grab the dog or family and go for a walk.
    I hope every one is happy healthy and staying fit.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    I HAD a Great start to my diet and exercise plan. I had lost about 20 Lbs and was feeling great. But like so many other, I didn’t keep up on it as well as I should have. I’m still down some but not where I’d like to be. I am doing a much better job of watching what I eat and am not drinking near as many sugared beverages. The fasting thing was working well for me. I was fasting 2 days a week and tried to keep my overall calories under 500 each day. It really was not that hard for me. With summer here I really need to take advantage and get far more exercise. If I do that I will not have to watch the diet near as well.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    I did kind of notice alot of the guys saying they need to loose weight are the same ones telling every one the best and newest TV shows. Instead of watching that show, grab the dog or family and go for a walk.

    There is a lot of truth in that. I’m guilty of it myself. Use to always be real active. The older I get sadly I get less active and that is when you probably need the activity the most.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    I’m about the same person physically I was 2 years ago with this thread and since graduating college many moons ago.

    On the negative: I still drink beer. I still drink whisky. I still like a big greasy burger or fish fry. I still don’t go to a gym or anything like in my sports days as my lifestyle just doesn’t fit with it.

    On the positive: I still live outside. I hike all over for morels, walk fencelines almost daily, cut brush, work in construction and a lumberyard on the side during the summer as my second job, and enjoy a good day behind a chainsaw or weedwhacker.

    The Mrs. likes to critique some of my food choices and alcohol intake on occasion, but also is aware that I’m the same person physically as I have been for a long time while many of my buddies and people our age are not. I admittedly will have to make more changes as I age. Hiking bluff country daily and working with my body for long hours on the side won’t always be feasible…but for now it’s the status quo.

    Posts: 588

    Mathematically, weight loss is a very simple concept. 100% boils down to calories burned vs calories consumed. You can do whatever diet you’d like but if you’re not in a calorie deficit, the scale will not go down. Now eating “healthier” food is overall better for you than junk food, ie heart health. It will also allow you to eat more volume for the same amount of total calories. You should also shoot for .7 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Also, take your body weight, times it by 10-12, and that is roughly the total amount of calories you should be consuming. Goal is to loose 1-1.5% of body weight per week.

    Doesn’t matter whatever fad diet you want to follow. Just make sure your in a calorie deficit and meet your protein goal.

    Weight training vs cardio as well. Cardio is not the key to weight loss as many have believed for so long

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    Don’t underestimate the value of getting enough sleep. As people age, getting a good amount of good sleep becomes more difficult. Many people have undiagnosed sleep apnea which prevent a good night’s sleep. I seem to eat more when I’m tired. It seems my body confuses tiredness with hunger.

    I had noticed my dentist slowly gaining weight over the years. Then within the span of about year, I think he lost 87 pounds. He said after he had a sleep study and got a CPAP machine, the pounds just came off… and they’ve stayed off. He said he feels so much better getting a good night’s sleep and being at a healthy body weight.

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