I think Captain Higgins (was) is a Marine.

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Captain Higgins targets suspected gang members

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    I’d like to gift that man some fish from our water and personally hand it to him.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’ld like to see a team of men like him go after all these gang bangers like the the Untouchables

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Sounds good on tape but that kind of bravado isnt really allowed to go full circle in this country. I hope it works for them though.

    Posts: 5139

    He has probably 100 videos out there. Just YouTube “St Landry Parish Crime Stoppers” some of them are downright hilarious.

    Like this one.

    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    I wish we would take that approach as a whole in this country!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Amen Brian, got a story for ya. A lot of people know how it was in the big cities back 40-50 years ago. My friend and I were coming back from a rock festival back in the late 60’s, hitch hiked all the way out there and came back with some friends and were dropped off on the south side of Chicago’s city limits. We called a cab and took it from there to the last L-train stop on the south side of Chicago. We lived in Madison Wisc. and had no idea what it was like In the area we had to get on the L-train going north.

    The guy I was with was named Steve and a nice guy, but he was 6’2″ and long white hair down past his shoulders And I had long black hair also past mine, Steves nick name was Whitey because he was so light complected. It was cool to be this way, Mod Squad kinda stuff, we were hip dudes at 19 and 20 years old.

    Well we got out of the cab and went into the L-train station and A Brother black cop in the station came over to us and asked us politely what we were doing there and where we were going . We told him and he said follow me, so we did. He walked us up the stairs to where were we going to get on the L-train and told us don’t get off the train until you get to the north side and where we going, to see Steves relatives. BTW right next door to the L-train entrance was a barber shop. We slipped in there for a second and seen an old black brother holding a double barrel 12 gauge sitting in a chair just watching the patrons getting a haircut, we figured out later why he was there.

    Going north out of the south side looking to the right side and passing all the blocks of the city we seen many many gang members, hundreds, one standing one after another all along the side walks and both sides with different berets on. We went about a mile and seen blue berets and one young guy after another, the next block changed to red berets and they also went for for about a mile. Evidently that was gang territory and someone had killed one of the others gang members and they were all out posting their territory and showing their strength. One side of the street was one gangs territory and the other was the others gang territory.

    To up this I met a black brother who worked at Menards about 2 months ago and he helped me load materials into my pickup truck. He said he moved here from the south side of Chicago and even though he was a black dude he feared for his life and of his family, his wife and his kids. I told him about what I had seen back in the late 60’s and he said heck those were good times, now He said a 14 year old kid can go down to the local corner and buy a Glock for $500.00. I said are you kidding and he said no. He said things are so bad that 14 year old kids are randomly killing people with 40 calibers just for the fun of it. I said are they trying to get into gangs as an initiation to do that and he said no. They are doing it just to do it and to make themselves feel big. He said those young kids are killing people for the fun of it and for absolutely no reason, needless to say he loves it here and I can’t blame him.

    So I understand the sheriffs statement and where he and the other black leaders are coming from. The other day, here in town, I stopped into a cigarette shop to buy a pack, ya I smoke, and a brother was buying a pack in front of me. Another brother came in and seen him and after he bought the cigarettes he and this other guy stood there and talked for 20 seconds like they could care less who was behind them. I finally got to buy mine and did. I left the store in my truck and the guy who was infront of me was in his car and stopped traffic from both ways because he was talking to one of his friends coming from the other direction. I got pissed and honked my horn and after about 10 seconds they drove away.

    The wiser black brothers see this type of stuff and know who these guys are and those are the guys who are standing along side the white brothers who are behind the sherriff in this video. They know whats going on and are saying clean your stuff up, which we know won’t happen, or else.

    I really admire these kind of guys who are law enforcement who have to put up with kind of crap. Here in town the cops here will drop those guys in a second. I know here in town and also The bigger cities they know that’s what it takes to take care of those thugs, or whatever they are, oh well! I know it may not be Koshier to say these things I did but if this thread gets dusted it does.

    Too many bleeding hearts trying to protect thugs with 40 cal’s.

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