I suggest NEVER doing business with this company!

  • basseyes
    Posts: 2721

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>wkw wrote:</div>
    If you have such a good relationship with Merc,
    why are you dealing with ” Crank and Start ” in the first place ?

    My thoughts exactly? Sorry Mr. Fellegy but you’ve lost a lot of respect from me for pulling a stunt like this. You made a bad purchase. Suck it up and move on.

    I use to kinda have this mentality to, but after having a kid go through 6 surgeries on one leg because of a cyst and is still under 12 years old, the medical billing field has left me baffled. It’s run by people with not an ounce of common sense. Now I go to battle with crap like this all the time to help out future customers. Whatever the reasoning for the starter going bad, instantly blaming him for an improper install without verification, is horse fecal matter. And only after barking and barking did he finally get to the owner who did what he should have done in the first place. So why did the owner finally cave and forced Steve’s hand to have to push back? Because companies have learned a lot of people will just walk away. That pretty much defines bullying tactics to a T. Prey on the weak, elderly and ignorant I guess right, great moral compass in many business practices today. I for one applaud him for not “sucking it up” and hopefully helping out future customers. I try to save money on all the parts I can. Parts get expensive even doing all the work on stuff yourself. If a company is in business to constantly blame the customer without any proper procedure, good luck to that company cause they probably won’t be in business long.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12637

    Thanks for sharing Steve, sounds like they had multiple chances to make it right and it took putting them on blast online to make the wheels turn. I’m glad we have this option, 20 years ago you would have just been taken.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 23

    Many credit card companies (banks) offer their own warranty. I know my AE and Visa do. I’d contest the charge and let the seller provide a signed charge card. Fight it to the bitter end, you have nothing to loose at this point.
    Good luck

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Many credit card companies (banks) offer their own warranty. I know my AE and Visa do. I’d contest the charge and let the seller provide a signed charge card. Fight it to the bitter end, you have nothing to loose at this point.
    Good luck

    FYI if you read the thread Steve said it’s taken care of and done. coffee

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