I Made a Scene While Voting….

  • B-man
    Posts: 6631

    Long story short, I reported voter fraud/persuasion by an official.

    Short story long:

    I was getting home at about the same time as my wife was from picking up the boys. I called her and asked her to meet me at our local voting place so we could do a quick in-and-out with the kids and keep everything simple (it was on both our ways home and the kids could be with to see what it’s about)

    We entered the building together and did the registration, I went first and she and the boys were by our sides. We were instructed to go to the next lady to get our ballots. The building was packed and there was a gentleman ahead of me. I watched as this 126 year old women instructed him to fill out his ballot….

    She pointed at a very specific box and tapped on it with her finger, describing how to fill the box(es) completely so the machine could read it….

    I was next in line….She went through the routine of showing me how to fill out a box completely….again tapping and pointing on a very specific box while explaining it to me…..

    My wife was next……she went through the same thing to explain how to properly fill out a box…..again…it was a very specific box she was using to describe the method to simply color in a box….just tapping away with her bony old finger….

    In a matter of 25 seconds she subliminally told three voters who to vote for as State Governor.

    I mentioned something half under my breath to her and my wife, saying how that box sure is a coincidence??

    We both voted, got our stickers and sticker for the kids, and left.

    On my short drive home it started eating at me, so I decided to turn my truck right around and voice more than something under my breath, and instead make an official complaint.

    I walked back in and greeted the front desk lady at the door. As I was saying hello and introducing myself, I watched the old lady with the ballots (just ten feet away) do the exact same thing to another voter.

    I told the front desk lady that I would like to file an official complaint, and she asked “why?”. We had a quiet conversation while I explained to her about the old lady passing ballots out and tapping her finger on the exact same box every single time. During our conversation she did the same thing to the next four voters….tap fricken tap….fill in the box completely….

    The front desk lady walked over to her and whispered in her ear and the both looked at me. She said, “I just point at a random box to explain how to fill them in…”

    That’s when B-Man about f$@#-ing lost it….There were 35+/- people in the small building and I (not quietly) said THAT’S BULLSHIT to a lady who shouldn’t buy green bananas (normally I have a ton of respect for my elders) jester

    I was told to calm down, which I did immediately. As much as I wanted to blow up more on her and tell her she should be ashamed, I didn’t.

    Then I went over and filled out an official complaint form. I described the entire sequence of events and signed a sworn affidavit. While filling it out, another voter stopped by the table and said, “Yeah…she did the same thing to me….” (He was one of the voters I witnessed her doing it to)

    Anyways, that’s the long story guys, glad to get it off my chest. The cops are probably sitting down the block from my house, but I felt it wasn’t right (and I’m assuming illegal).

    My wife asked me a great question when I got home. She said, “Would you have done the same thing if it was the other guy’s box she kept pointing at?”

    I thought about it for a second and responded that I probably wouldn’t have even noticed that she was subliminally telling me who to vote for, since my my was made up already. If she would have pointed and tapped (and tapped more) on the box I was already going to fill out it probably wouldn’t have had any effect that I would have noticed.

    Time to have a few beers now

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    You gonna tell us what box she pointed at? and I think we all know.

    Posts: 156

    Thank you for taking the time to do the right thing. Once I left I don’t think I would have went back even though I know I should. And, another great lesson for your boys- good thing kids have better memories than me because they have a lot of great lessons to soak up from you. Keep up the great work.

    Brainerd Mn
    Posts: 126

    Good work! A great example for your kids to witness. 👍👍👍

    Brainerd Mn
    Posts: 126

    Duplicate post, sorry! Still getting use to this….

    Posts: 95

    That doesn’t sound paranoid at all. Glad you put that senior citizen in her place.

    Posts: 654

    Guarantee she pointed at the Legalize Marijuana Now candidates. Glaucoma is a biatch.

    Posts: 2853

    Way to go B-man you did the right thing. I don’t suppose your going to help her across the street like a good boy scout.

    Posts: 1273

    if it was intentional or not, her hands on the ballot should only be on it to hand it to you,

    Posts: 1273

    another thing I find odd, some states having trouble with they’re voting machines, you would think they would of had all the bugs worked out after all these years

    Posts: 6631

    That doesn’t sound paranoid at all. Glad you put that senior citizen in her place.

    I promise you 100% her acts were completely intentional and obvious.

    Never in my life have I called bullshit on an older women, let alone in public.

    At first I let it go, but when I went back to file a complaint and watched her do it over and over again to other voters…out of all of the other available boxes….tapping on that EXACT same one…. penciling it in with an invisible pencil…Then telling me she picks a random box every time…I had to say something.

    It just wasn’t right, and it wasn’t just me who noticed it.

    If she were tapping on the marijuana guys box I would have just laughed, but she wasn’t, and there was nothing funny or unintentional about what she was doing.

    She intentionally made EVERY voter READ the word “WALZ” and showed you right where the box was, just seconds before voting. If that’s not messed up I don’t know what is….

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    another thing I find odd, some states having trouble with they’re voting machines, you would think they would of had all the bugs worked out after all these years

    It’s Trumps fault for sure.

    He is like Charlie and the Chocolate factory and has little orange Oompa Loompa’s in high swing states. Just give it a few hours and cnn, msnbc or npr will be on top of this suppressing activity that is going on. Haha.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    Former Milwaukee elections official charged for falsely obtaining military absentee ballots. Here is an example of actual fraud . Prosecutors have charged a former top Milwaukee elections official Kimberly Zapata with felony misconduct in office.

    Posts: 6631

    Way to go B-man you did the right thing. I don’t suppose your going to help her across the street like a good boy scout.

    Yesterday I would have… rotflol

    Now I hope karma breaks her hip mrgreen (joking of course)

    Posts: 583

    I hope they escorted her out the door. Don’t want her counting votes.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    Do you know how many voters she gave instructions to today? How many thousands of times she said the same thing over and over and over today? It probably was just auto pilot and muscle memory to point at the same place to reference how to fill in the circle, just to make it easier for the numerous times she did it. The lady at my voting place did something similar by way of gesture, but since I know how to fill in a circle I wasn’t paying much attention to her example explanation. Seems like a waste of your time and energy IMO.

    Posts: 5139

    I’ve lived in many places and voted in all of them. I’ve never had an official actually show me how to fill in a ballot like that, as it shouldn’t be needed. Every time they had the ballot pre-placed in a manila folder, they hand it to you, you go to the booth fill it out, you walk to the “shredding machine” and place it in the slot. Never once did an official touch the ballot in my presence. Never once did they need to show me (or anyone I’ve seen) how to fill in a circle. Odd that would even need to be a thing.

    Posts: 2828

    Do you know how many voters she gave instructions to today? How many thousands of times she said the same thing over and over and over today? It probably was just auto pilot and muscle memory to point at the same place to reference how to fill in the circle, just to make it easier for the numerous times she did it. The lady at my voting place did something similar by way of gesture, but since I know how to fill in a circle I wasn’t paying much attention to her example explanation. Seems like a waste of your time and energy IMO.

    I agree, Sharon.

    With all due respect, B, I doubt it was anything subliminal or intentional. I wasn’t there so can’t say for sure, but I think you might have been overthinking it.

    On another note, these results thus far are concerning. Hopefully it changes a lot once they have the results from the rest of the “outlier” counties…

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3211

    Seems like a waste of your time and energy IMO.

    Exactly. And he seems to have a lot of time and energy. Dork.

    Posts: 4802

    Seems like a waste of your time and energy IMO.

    Yea on her part. Who’s doesn’t know how to fill in a bubble?

    Posts: 1806

    Your wife’s question and your answer really shows a lot. Seems like an unnecessary and rude overreaction. I really dislike this term (I don’t know how else to describe it) but it seems like a “Karen” reaction. Waste of time and energy.

    “My wife asked me a great question when I got home. She said, “Would you have done the same thing if it was the other guy’s box she kept pointing at?”

    I thought about it for a second and responded that I probably wouldn’t have even noticed that she was subliminally telling me who to vote for, since my my was made up already. If she would have pointed and tapped (and tapped more) on the box I was already going to fill out it probably wouldn’t have had any effect that I would have noticed.”

    Posts: 160

    You’re nuts…why is this post not shut down?
    Makes me sad I vote the same side as you. Get on another bridge to voice your concerns stop wasting ours.

    Posts: 160

    Good work! A great example for your kids to witness. 👍👍👍

    Sarcasm I hope?

    Posts: 6631

    My kids weren’t with when I went back to file a complaint.

    It wasn’t an accident, a coincidence or muscle memory. I wish you all could have been there to witness it yourselves before passing judgement on me.

    As I said, it was blatant right away but I brushed it off with just a comment under my breath.

    Of all those boxes on the front page….it just happened to be that one, time after time. Not the first box on the ballot, not the last, not the easiest to reach….but “this random one right here” in the left column of the front page…tap…tap….tap…fill the box in completely…

    Could you imagine what the outcome could be if that happened in a county with people not familiar with voting or perhaps the English language in general?

    She was just like a student showing another student the answer to the test back in middle school…

    Posts: 86

    Ever realize in life you don’t have to explain yourself to smart people??

    Don’t worry about it b man because…YOU DID THE RIGHT THING.
    Regardless of any intentional behavior, that ballot is sacred, keep your damn hands off it lady, don’t make any gestures at all in regards to other peoples ballots. Why is that hard for some to realize??

    Edit: thought about it overnight and anyone who thinks it’s ok to suggestively touch, tap or make any action at all to another person’s ballot obviously isn’t very smart?? Hope it’s ok to point that obvious fact out.

    This has nothing to do with the old lady, nothing to do with being paranoid. It has to do with an activity that should be illegal and probably is.

    There is a spot on top of the ballot to show examples of how to properly vote. I would think it’s policy for officials to only use that designated area when providing assistance?? Or do we throw policy out the window on voting day?

    As already mentioned, great example for your kids to stand up against this. So many people would just tolerate it and take a back seat.

    So many people would just ignore/hide the incident and teach their kids to have a weak, little old me in the corner approach to the situation.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1747

    That’s why i vote absentee ,none of this drama . Or is there ? LOL

    Posts: 69

    Congrats on your temper tantrum and thanks for saving America from the 125 year old volunteer. There’s no telling how many votes went to the blue guy before you showed up as I’m sure untold thousands that had every intent on voting red automatically switched after receiving their instructions from this criminal.

    Posts: 86

    Congrats on your temper tantrum and thanks for saving America from the 125 year old volunteer. There’s no telling how many votes went to the blue guy before you showed up as I’m sure untold thousands that had every intent on voting red automatically switched after receiving their instructions from this criminal.

    I guess you FAIL to realize the temper tantrum has nothing to do with the wrong doing.

    I guess you FAIL to realize the age of the lady doesn’t matter.

    I guess you FAIL to realize it doesn’t matter how many votes weren’t impacted by this wrongdoing.

    I guess you FAIL to realize it doesn’t matter if the votes went red to blue or vice versa.

    I guess you FAILED at just about everything you said.

    you did however say “CRIMINAL” at the very last word so maybe…just maybe you are understanding. No fail there, that’s where I start giving you credit.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Sounds like you need a voting aptitude test to make sure voters aren’t easily influenced by finger pointing. yay

    Or move to Florida where we know how to vote and vote for the best candidates. grin Even fingur pointing can’t affect our margins.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    Or move to Florida where we know how to vote

    No hanging chads this year?

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