Last winter I perfected Brandy Old-Fashions. This summer its Mojito’s. So far I continue to crave them every weekend. Problem is one isnt enough and two is too many!! Guess how many my wife and I always end up drinking on Sat night?!
Here’s my recipe:
12-16 oz tumbler glass.
Approx 9 mint leaves. More if small. Maybe less if big. I prefer large mature leaves over smaller young leaves for flavor.
Muddle leaves in 3/4 oz simple syrup. I make my own by boiling sugar and water 50/50
Muddle well for best flavor. Downside is small pieces of mint leaves in your mouth. Oh well.
After muddling I add up to 2 oz of rum. 1.5 works fine………riiiiggghhhtt
1 oz club soda. I use 1/2 lime per drink. Squeeze it in. I use a hand juicer.
Fill glass with ice then fill that tiny head space from top of ice to top of glass with Sprite.
Mix by pouring into another glass then back to original glass.
For me what makes or brakes the drink is tasting the mint. Like mentioned using younger light colored leaves does not work as well so I tend to use a lot of them. Just starting growing my own mint to rid my dependence on store bought so next year that wont be a problem.
Im no expert so I welcome variations to this recipe. I know I use more lime thas restaurants. Hell, I was using 1 whole lime per drink at first! Dialed it back and 1/2 a decent sized lime seems fine.