i hope this is the end

  • puddlepounder
    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    -22 this morning, I hope this is the end of the cold weather and the great melt starts to happen. The full moon setting this morning is fantastic.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Couldn’t agree more, both on the cold and the moon. I almost pulled over a few times on my commute in for photos.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I went out and made a few calls for coyotes under the moonlight. Cold, but looked awesome. Wish I would have brought the camera with.

    Though, I think I figured out what March actually stands for

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    ^^^^Now that there is funny^^^^

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22885

    I have never heard my house make so many noises as it has this winter…. doah

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I have never heard my house make so many noises as it has this winter…. doah

    Quit drinking Shmidt with your chili. lol

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    I have never heard my house make so many noises as it has this winter…. doah

    I’ll second that..

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    I have never heard my house make so many noises as it has this winter….  :doah:

    Quit drinking Shmidt with your chili. lol

    no open flames – compressed gas is explosive…. tongue

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    I hear the birds this morning. The start of spring has to be near!


    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    I’ve been hearing more birds in the morning too. I absolutely LOVE hearing my tweety birds sing to me! And now that they’ve gotten used to Fritz running around in the backyard, they come closer to the feeders and sing. smile I’ve heard 50s in the forecast. I can’t wait. Too bad it won’t stay in the 50s for long.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17349

    Sharon the 50’s will be a big boost to moral around here! Also rolling the clock ahead makes me feel great. I’m no fan of the night time. grin Anyway, here in Princeton we have very, very little snow so it will all be melted in the next week. No snow equals the sun heating the ground much faster which means any huge March snowstorms aren’t nearly as bad.

    As for birds…..I’m not seeing nearly as many Cardinals this year as last year. Not sure why.

    Posts: 1148

    The forecast is looking awfully nice. Call me naive but I feel like once this warm up hits it’s going to stick around…

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