I hate making jerky

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    Because I cant stop eating it. Just finished a full smokers worth yesterday and its almost gone. I did give some away and froze a little bit but its basically about over already. I made this batch out of all the tenderized round steaks from our last cow.
    Wow, what a treat. Really easy to eat and the recipe I used is super flavorful. Back to the fridge for another piece…..

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I just got 27 pounds of cut muscle jerky sealed and in the freezer. you’re right though, it’s hard not to want to dine on the stuff.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12740

    Same. I eat it way to fast when I make it. I need to make a new batch soon. Price of top round has gotten way expensive. I normally get mine from the St Joseph meat market. They trim it up real nice and slice it to any thickness I like. Jerky made out of ground meat is OK. But nothing like whole muscle sliced Jerky

    Posts: 4485

    I usually make 10lbs at a time and it never sees the freezer. The lady usually throws a gallon ziplock bag in her car and her and the kids devour it.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I think I set a new record here. I made #10 of eye of round into jerky on the 5th. I ate the last two pieces yesterday. To be fair, we weren’t at home four days since I made it. I went back to the tried and true Hi Mountain black pepper and garlic flavor and added some Korean chili flakes and cayenne. The last two batches were Backwoods brand and Hank and Stew’s, both hot and spicy flavor. They had too much sweetness and maple flavor for my palate and not much heat.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I need to try a dry rub. I have done nothing but brine in the past.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    If you didn’t know, Hi Mountain is a dry rub.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I need to try a dry rub. I have done nothing but brine in the past.

    My cut muscle jerky has been dry cured for the last 25 years. I have a tough time trying to like the ground/pressed stuff.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I made it out of ground once and still have two packs in my freezer and it’s been almost a year. Between the texture and it tasting like salty maple sugar and not much else, it’ll probably end up in the trash one day.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12740

    I went back to the tried and true Hi Mountain black pepper and garlic flavor

    That is my go to as well. I’ve tried various other brands and flavors over the years and seem to always come back to this one.

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1216

    I’ve got a whole eye of round in freezer, anyone care to share a good sweet and spicy recipe

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    I make jerky out of the deer I shoot. Everything except the loins go into jerky as my family just loves it. I have a son in SC that won’t let me come see him unless I bring jerky. Now all his friends in SC keep asking for it too. With my local grandkids that is the treat we take when fishing (ice or regular) and we have a tradition that you can’t have jerky until you catch a fish. Believe me, they barely get the fish in before they are into the jerky. We have our own went recipe that we have developed over the years. Just this year I was told by my Dr to cut back on salt — well that jerky has so much salty stuff in it that I have cut back on my intake – UGH. The grandkids think that is OK as they get more that way. Maybe a good project for today.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I’ve got a whole eye of round in freezer, anyone care to share a good sweet and spicy recipe

    Here’s the one I just used. Double it for over 3 lbs of meat. Its definitely got sweet. Some heat but maybe even some Cayan to make it hotter? I marinated 24 hours which seemed too long. Ill go half that or less next time I use this recipe.

    • 1 Cup Pineapple Juice
    • 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar (can use light or dark)
    • 1 Cup Soy Sauce
    • 1/2 Cup Teriyaki Sauce
    • 1 Tbl Worchestershire Sauce
    • 1 Tbl Red Pepper Flakes (1/2 red pepper, ½ Paul’s gunpowder hot) or
    just red pepper
    • 3-4 Cloves Whole Peeled Garlic minced.
    I also threw 3-4 shakes of tabasco in.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I think pineapple juice can practically melt a steak in a few days. I agree that 24hrs is too long. With all those flavor bombs a few hours would probably do on thin slices for jerky.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    With all that stuff in there its nothing but candied meat.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    With all that stuff in there its nothing but candied meat.

    It is. But fun sometimes. I used it on a bunch of old meat and it covered up any off flavors for sure. I would still use it again with a much shorter soak.
    I am going to try High Mountain rub with some fresh beef soon.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    My grandson gave me some sticks, 3 different spice blends, that his buddy made up last fall. All three were so sweet it made my teeth hurt and I wear dentures.

    Suzuki….try cutting some top round that’s an inch and a half thick with the grain into 1/4″ thick strips and use that Hi Mountain dry rub. Mxe the meat and cure together in a bowl then spread it over the meat in a plastic bowl and toss in the fridge for 24 hours, then simply lay the meat on the smoker grills or use paper clips to hang it and give it about 4 hours of medium smoke, then let it finish a couple more hours without smoke. Toss it into a tub when its cooled off and cover loosely with some freezer wrap and let it sit in a cool room or garage where critters can’t get to it for three or four days to dry a bit more and to let the smoke mellow. This will peel off strips of meat that are a true wonder to chew on.

    Posts: 135

    I like the hi mountain hunters blend

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