My grandson gave me some sticks, 3 different spice blends, that his buddy made up last fall. All three were so sweet it made my teeth hurt and I wear dentures.
Suzuki….try cutting some top round that’s an inch and a half thick with the grain into 1/4″ thick strips and use that Hi Mountain dry rub. Mxe the meat and cure together in a bowl then spread it over the meat in a plastic bowl and toss in the fridge for 24 hours, then simply lay the meat on the smoker grills or use paper clips to hang it and give it about 4 hours of medium smoke, then let it finish a couple more hours without smoke. Toss it into a tub when its cooled off and cover loosely with some freezer wrap and let it sit in a cool room or garage where critters can’t get to it for three or four days to dry a bit more and to let the smoke mellow. This will peel off strips of meat that are a true wonder to chew on.