I’m totally with you, Steve, I hate leaves too. And we get PLENTY of them.
I’ve tried renting that machine as a try before you buy strategy. I didn’t like it because at some point you still have the hassle of getting the shredded leaves out of the bag and into leaf bags. You also have to store the machine and keep in running condition between uses, all of which involves a huge amount of faffing around.
And then, as a reward, you STILL get the fun of disposing of the leaves! Yeeeeeaahhhhh! How much fun can one guy have?
I found the best solution by accident. I got a Snapper self propelled mower with the Ninja recycling blade.
I don’t use a bagger at all, I just mow the lawn with the Snapper. It shreds up the leaves like pipe tobacco and they just disappear into the lawn. No bagging, no bag wrangling, no leaf dump trips, no fuss, no muss. It’s just terrific not to be bagging leaves anymore.
If the leaves have really fallen, I have to go over an area twice sometimes to shred them up, but they all get it eventually and the Snapper turns them into confetti and they disappear. If there aren’t a lot of leaves, I use my Deere tractor to mow and blow the leaves into a central strip in the middle of the lawn, then the Snapper gets brought in for the kill. 10 passes back/forth and the leaves are all gone.
In really deep leaves, it can sometimes take some back/forth mowing because the Snapper tends to push the leaves, but it’s still vastly easier than busting my buttski mowing.
I’m really, really glad to be out of the leaf bagging business entirely.