I cant remember a more beautiful Spring

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    We all know how long and dreadful this winter became toward the end of the year. I think we all expected to go right into 85+ weather as the transition from winter to summer seems to skip right over spring these days. The weather the last few weeks has been just amazing! 70 degrees with a slight breeze is about as good as it gets.

    On top of that we received plenty of rain to help with the drought. Headed to Gods country in 2 days. Havent had a day off work since New Years. Forecast looks great up there this week too.

    Hope everyone is getting outside and enjoying this Spring. Im sure the heat is on its way

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Have a good trip up to Kab/ Nam. I am really jealous. I need a week off of up north fishing and hiking

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Living part time on the river, it could of been better in my world. Always wondering if I’ll need hip boots to get to the boat or other folks to launch their boat. But, first world problems.

    I’m going to ride the wave to Grafton IL and the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers later this week. Might get a license and toss out a worm or a left over shrimp. Not sure.

    If it cost too much in gas to get back and I run out of money, see you when the water or gas prices go down. )

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    Living part time on the river, it could of been better in my world. Always wondering if I’ll need hip boots to get to the boat or other folks to launch their boat. But, first world problems.

    I’m going to ride the wave to Grafton IL and the confluence of the Mississippi and Missouri rivers later this week. Might get a license and toss out a worm or a left over shrimp. Not sure.

    If it cost too much in gas to get back and I run out of money, see you when the water or gas prices go down. )

    When are you specifically leaving? I need to know when to watch out for the Tuna boat loaded with spam, plowing water, and swamping poor little wake boats as it heads south.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Could use some rain here. Didn’t get any of those heavy down pours that southern MN got last week.

    I do agree that the temps have been quite comfortable. No ungodly warm temps or humidity…yet.

    Posts: 2853

    Are you stopping in Dubuque BK?

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Other than the fact that it started a month and a half late, I completely agree.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Are you stopping in Dubuque BK?

    Very possible even if it’s just for an hour to eat at Catfish Charlies.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    When are you specifically leaving? I need to know when to watch out for the Tuna boat loaded with spam, plowing water, and swamping poor little wake boats as it heads south.

    I can’t say exactly. you know there’s pirates on the South end of Pool 4. Between the Spam and Hamm’s I would be ripe for the plucking if the wrong people knew. crazy

    Posts: 2853

    BK let me know when your going through.I would love to have a quick one with you if it works out.I would bring the good stuff,Old Milwaukee.

    Posts: 1166

    We’ve had better ones that started earlier, but yes, we cannot complain about this. No humidity yet, just a stretch of days going in the immediate future of nice temps and sun. I literally spent the past 4 days outside except for sleeping. It’s the time of year when the minute your head hits the pillow, you are out for the night and you wake up refreshed.

    I sure hope we’re not in for another drought, however. Starting to make you wonder.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    BK let me know when your going through.I would love to have a quick one with you if it works out.

    Will do. We could be spending the night or as I said, just having lunch. They don’t have Hamm’s at Catfish Charlies…so Old Mil will have to do. toast

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I would take another month of this current weather, haven’t had the AC or heat on for about a month now, which is perfect! The mosquito’s on the other hand… smash

    Posts: 24658

    We need rain bad here and not much in the forecast. It has been gorgeous however.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    We need rain bad here and not much in the forecast. It has been gorgeous however.

    Yep, not much here the entire month of May either. Hence, very few mosquitoes. The 6+ inches that southern MN received about a week ago almost completely missed me.

    Posts: 24658

    Yeah, we got .65 over the last 2 weeks. But its getting really dry and I will have to water soon. Thankfully I havent fertilized yet or the grass would really be burning up.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    We need rain bad here and not much in the forecast. It has been gorgeous however.

    I was shocked at how dry it was from Rice to Pierz last weekend. Pretty crazy we have high water in a lot of lakes, and near flood stage in our major rivers, yet a lot of the state is too dry….

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    ^We quickly need rain here too along the banks of Pool 4. The high water and flooded fields are in no way a product of our local precipitation. It’s May 23rd and I am already officially sick of watering new seeded lawn. The original plan was to seed this chunk and water it for 4-5 weeks, then pivot and focus on an additional piece. If it stays this dry the hoses and sprinklers aren’t moving and I’ll just work to keep this spot alive.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I haven’t seen a mosquito yet this year…knock on fiberglass.

    The dust from the parking lot on P4 was bad. Now it’s under water so that should take care of that for a while.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    Ya its been a nice one. A little late start to it but its been making up for it in nice weather. Like other said, We are rather dry already here in Central Minnesota. Was at a lake on Sun. and the landing was WAY LOW. Probably the worst that landing has been in 4-5 Years. If its gets much worse that lake will be a no go real soon. My buddies boat slid off the trailer only to be hung up on a big Mud flat right away. had to rock the boat sis to side and egg beater the trolling motor just to get to deep enough water. Not good.

    Posts: 2828

    Sunday in the south metro the mosquitoes were the absolute worst I have EVER experienced, besides maybe rush lake at sunset… Horrendous. Broad daylight, hot, middle of a dry field on high ground there would be 10-15 of them on you at any given moment.

    Other than that, yeah it’s been a beautiful spring!!!

    Posts: 1166

    The lack of rain does make you wonder if we are in for another drought summer. As much as the lack of rain is nice for getting out and doing things, it’s already getting old having to go out and water plans every day. I am glad I didn’t seed this spring either. Just seems like it’s been so many years now since we had typical spring rains. Or really any regular rain patterns at any time of the year.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    The lack of rain does make you wonder if we are in for another drought summer. As much as the lack of rain is nice for getting out and doing things, it’s already getting old having to go out and water plans every day. I am glad I didn’t seed this spring either. Just seems like it’s been so many years now since we had typical spring rains. Or really any regular rain patterns at any time of the year.

    No rain, no rain, ….followed by 3″ in a couple hours…then back to another couple weeks of no measurable rain

    That’s been the summer pattern for a few years.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Just seems like it’s been so many years now since we had typical spring rains. Or really any regular rain patterns at any time of the year.

    I thought the same thing when I checked the 10 day forecast. There is really no rain in it at all, and the temps appear to remain above normal through most of next week.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Not sure how some don’t have mosquitoes. They are insanely bad both at my home and the cabin. Like middle of the day with sun swarming you. Probably the worst mosquitoes I have seen in about 8 years.

    Stone Lake, WI
    Posts: 603

    While the weather has been awesome, the mosquito’s are horrible! Middle of the day; middle of the sunshine and the things are thick! The worst I’ve seen up here and that’s sayin’ alot…..

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Last night at leagues the mosquitos were the worst I’ve ever dealt with. Bug spray attracted bigger and meaner ones. The only safe plan was to go 30 in the boat. Otherwise we were covered

    Posts: 24658

    We havent had problems with mosquitos YET. I know that as I type this we are doomed to get attacked.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    This dry chunk coming will help, or at least make the mosquitos more confined to shade areas and coming out in morning and dusk. For the past week here they have been anywhere and everywhere all hours of the day.

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