I cant believe they stock this lake with such big fish

  • fishermanjakeak
    Posts: 30

    We saw them stocking the lake with 25-28 inch arctic char. so as soon as we had 4 inches of ice we got out fishing.

    Northern Todd County
    Posts: 611

    Holy cow looks like you hit the jackpot. They did something similar to an old mine pit here in MN a couple years ago with rainbows and browns, in the 17-20in range. I think they were older fish that they used to gather eggs and milt.

    Buffalo Fishhead
    Posts: 310

    Trout hatcheries do this quite a bit. They keep the brood fish so long and then stock them in ponds/lakes where there is a good chance they will get caught. Next week there will be a pond near where I live stocked with brood cull brook and golden trout.

    Buffalo Fishhead

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