E-NUFF about the ENERGY and WORK ETHICS of John “Hunts” Lange the now Owner of EVERTS.!! His mngr. “SKi” and the rest of his Team are right up there to….From my 1st impression of John and his TEAM was very impressive to say the least. There is a NEW ENERGY at Everts Now. Energy that has not been seen scents the days of DEAN. I predict they will rival the Good Old Days of Dean Marshall when he was mngr. of EVERTS…….When the rest of the regular campers and customers see how these guys work there tails off from daylight to beyond dark. They will all be Very HAPPY CAMPERS. .!!
… …rrr Ps This is for the Regular Full Time Campers. The statement “I WILL DO THAT TOMORROW” is gone now for EVER. Lets All Help John Ski and the rest of the Team as Best We Can. It is a NEW ERA at EVERTS.
March 25, 2015 at 11:48 am