I am now one of those guys

  • mudhole
    Posts: 90

    I am now a pontoon owner. No no no, I did not get rid of the fishing boat, but the wife convinced me to get a pontoon. I know on a site full of fisherpeople, toon drivers are not often well thought of. Well at least I am coming from the fishing side of things. I just feel like I am going to be driving around seeing fishing boats and thinking there are saying, “Look at this idiot coming…he better know what he is doing!”.

    I got a feeling the wife is going to be saying “Why are you just doing circles in the middle of the lake?” And it is going to be because I DON’T WANT TO BE ONE OF THOSE GUYS doah grin

    Posts: 2024

    Often times when I’m on a pleasure boat my skins about crawling with how bad id rather be having a fishing rod in my hand .

    Most pontoon owners are good , now tuna boats and wake board boats …

    Congrats on your purchase , it’ll be fun when it’s 90 out and you can cool off.

    Posts: 3423

    If I lived on a lake I’d have one.
    A muskie guide on Mille Lacs uses a pontoon.

    Posts: 5307

    Seems like a lot of summer boat time is cruising around during the day w the fam and soaking in the sun, cold beverages, cool water and good times.

    Often I look over at fisherman grinding it out for a few dinks thinking…..nahhh.

    You have a right to the water as anyone else, be aware of your wake and enjoy! toast

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    Those who have never fished out of a pontoon have no idea how nice it is to fish out of one. Every person who has fished out of mine have always said how nice to have all that room, comfortable, no care for how big the waves are ext… You may find yourself fishing out of your toon more than your fishing boat!

    Posts: 6631

    If I ever buy a cabin or live on a lake, I’d 100% have a pontoon waytogo

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    Absolutely love my toon and I fish out of it all the time. Gotta fishing boat but it doesn’t see water to often.
    It is difficult to position the pontoon in certain situations, but it’s ok.
    With that said, it’s hard to be hard core fishing in a toon.

    Nothing like cruising around feeling like your sitting in your living room.

    Posts: 90

    Not sure the gal is going to appreciate me fishing out of the toon “getting it all smelly and dirty. We’ll see how next summer goes. She’s already putting a paly list together for toon cruses. The first song I told her to include, In The Summer Time, Mungo Jerry.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    May I suggest Kid Rock, all summer long?

    Posts: 1179

    A pontoon is 100% better suited for my bobber bites in June than my tiller

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17379

    Since I’m officially in the old people group I will admit my buddy’s Tri-Tune is nice, both cruising & fishing. With the 150 Merc it moves along pretty good and except for wind fishes well also.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    If I ever buy a cabin or live on a lake, I’d 100% have a pontoon waytogo


    They aren’t great for trailering and hauling around. Ideal for just sitting at the dock all summer.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Pontoons are great for a party barge or taking kids out fishing but stink for fishing if your serious about fishing. They suck keeping anchored in wind, worthless for trolling.

    We had one at the cabin was a happy guy when Mom got rid of it!

    And as dutchy would say .. this is only my opinion and not to be taken seriously!!🤣

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17379

    Just curious why you thought it was bad for trolling?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    I’m trolling as we speak

    1. 25EE43D3-4118-4706-A4FA-0F48C62E031C-scaled.jpeg

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    Just curious why you thought it was bad for trolling?

    any wind/breeze way to hard to control.

    Rod tip is to far from the water

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    If I ever buy a cabin or live on a lake, I’d 100% have a pontoon waytogo


    They aren’t great for trailering and hauling around. Ideal for just sitting at the dock all summer.

    They trailer and pull just fine. Scissor trailers suck, not sure why you’d want one unless it was a single in and out a season

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Scissor trailers suck

    What’s a scissor trailer? The pontoon trailers I’ve dealt with were extremely narrow and unstable. The bunks were always placed inside the floats which created a very narrow wheelbase. I am now seeing newer pontoon trailers with bunks lined up right with the floats, which creates more stability because of the greater width.

    Pequot Lakes
    Posts: 869

    We got a used one a couple years ago. It’s great for cruising with the wife and dogs and a cooler of frosty beverages with some tunes. I wasn’t that fired up at first. It’s been great.

    Posts: 9311

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    Scissor trailers suck

    What’s a scissor trailer? The pontoon trailers I’ve dealt with were extremely narrow and unstable. The bunks were always placed inside the floats which created a very narrow wheelbase. I am now seeing newer pontoon trailers with bunks lined up right with the floats, which creates more stability because of the greater width.

    What you described is what he is talking about.

    Posts: 90

    I will say it trailered just fine from St Cloud (where we bought it) to Faribault, and it was kind of a windy day. The trailer is a 2022 so may be different that older ones. The boat is a 2019 but didn’t have a trailer so that is new.

    SE Wisconsin
    Posts: 472

    In the fall at my brother’s cabin we soak suckers for musky out of his pontoon. My dad doesn’t do to well in a fishing boat anymore, but in the potoon he can enjoy musky fishing again. I won’t lie, it is pretty nice having the room and comfort of a pontoon.

    Posts: 1166

    My tritoon IS my fishing boat — it’s the only boat I have. And I don’t keep it in the water. It has two livewells, bow-mounted Terrova with I-Pilot, rod locker, 6 pedestal fishing seats, a L-couch for cruising, swim pad, tow bar for tubing and skiing. Huge in-floor storage in the middle toon for nets and rods.

    We bobber out of it, jig, pull cranks, you name it. On those hot summer days, nothing beat anchoring with a bunch of people to bobber for panfish, head over to a lakeside restaurant for lunch, back out to tube, swim, etc, then back to fishing again in the evening. All in one boat with plenty of room for all of that.

    Posts: 3319

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    If I ever buy a cabin or live on a lake, I’d 100% have a pontoon waytogo



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