Hybrid Travel Trailers

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6251

    See related post about Pop Up Campers

    Do any of you own a Hybrid Travel Trailer? Basically a hardshell camper / trailer, but with pop-out beds similar to how a Pop Up camper would work.

    Wondering how you like them? And if you store them outdoors, even for the winter?


    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6251

    Can’t get the link to work, but just a few posts below on the main page there is a post about Pop Up Campers

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    My buddy has one up at our campground. We are both permanent campers. We both winterize them and leave them at the campground over winter. We have done so for the last 3 years. He leaves his bunks out all summer and has no issues with water or weather. He does wash and waterproof them yearly. He loves the hybrid because it is more like being in a tent when sleeping. He has to use the heat sooner than I do with my hard sided camper. The AC cools it nicely in the summer days with no issues.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    A few pics of his camper

    1. winter.jpg

    2. summer.jpg

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6251

    Thanks 85lund. I was thinking they would be fine to leave outdoors over the winter, but wanted to hear it from someone who has. I imagine, like anything, you will extend life by storing indoors but good to know they can take it.

    We have a park model that we use extensively, but now also considering something on the mobile side.

    casey walters
    Mapleton, MN
    Posts: 107

    After we sold the pop up we got a hybrid. Nicest difference was storage and bathroom. Pack it up and leave it with the pop up had to bring extra stuff in the truck then pack back up when leaving again. Set up time pretty much the same. Ours had u shape couch and table in front of the bed hated crawling between that everytime you get in and out of bed stupid design I thought. One of the gaskets leaked where it folds out and pretty much wrecked the bed and wood under it so leaving it outside in the freeze thaw would make me nervous. But im no expert.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6251

    Trying to decide if I even want the bathroom. My wife would, but since we are keeping the park model and only using this on occasion, it would end up being a guys trip (hunting) or just me and my son on most of the trips. And if the girls were along we’d be at State Parks and they have nice bathrooms.

    How much hassle is it dealing with the water / septic tanks? Don’t imagine we’d use those much either.

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    I head one for a few years and loved it. Easy to set up, leveling it was the hardest part. I stored mine outside one year, and in a barn another. My family outgrew it it I’d probably still have it.

    I liked to sleep on the couch folded out to a bed. Most comfortable spot for whatever reason. The other big plus was how light it was. I think mine was around 3000lbs.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6251

    I have a Shamrock, buy a nice cover for the winter.

    Was just thinking that. Looks like they make covers for both pop-ups and these hybrids. Probably cheap insurance to make sure it stays dry

    Posts: 255

    I was looking at hybrids when we bought our camper 4 years ago. I liked the idea of a smaller size package for the towing. That being said, after searching hard, we bought a 26 foot hard side.
    The price points on hybrids were more expensive than what we bought. Personally, I can’t believe how much pop-ups and hybrids sell for. You can get into a decent hard shell for the same money.
    After having the hard side and seeing other friends use their hybrid, I’m glad we bought the hard side.
    Set up takes half the time, storage is everywhere in the hard side. No need to worry about canvas molding or cracking. Just wash it 3-4 times a year. If you use the full hook up sites, it’s nice to have the bigger bathroom that a bigger camper offers.
    My 1/2 ton GMC pulls it just fine. Yes mileage sucks, but it’s not any better with a hybrid.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6251

    I was looking at hybrids when we bought our camper 4 years ago. I liked the idea of a smaller size package for the towing. That being said, after searching hard, we bought a 26 foot hard side.
    The price points on hybrids were more expensive than what we bought. Personally, I can’t believe how much pop-ups and hybrids sell for. You can get into a decent hard shell for the same money.
    After having the hard side and seeing other friends use their hybrid, I’m glad we bought the hard side.
    Set up takes half the time, storage is everywhere in the hard side. No need to worry about canvas molding or cracking. Just wash it 3-4 times a year. If you use the full hook up sites, it’s nice to have the bigger bathroom that a bigger camper offers.
    My 1/2 ton GMC pulls it just fine. Yes mileage sucks, but it’s not any better with a hybrid.

    Valid points and observations. It all depends on what you want.

    We have a 42 ft park model that is the bulk of our recreation. I’m thinking I want something smaller and nimble for just occasional use, storage, maintenence, gas mileage, etc

    Brings up another question:

    How are some of these 20+ ft campers for getting into State Park campsites? Is it ever an issue finding big enough sites or backing into them?

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