Polaris Sportsman 500 EFI – The good or bad?

  • johnee
    Posts: 731

    Guys, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me about the Polaris Sportsman EFI models and any good or bad experiences with the EFI motor.

    I don’t know anything about the EFI power plants. Are they considered to be good engines? The old carbed Sportsman series seems to get good reviews as to having pretty much bullet proof motors. Is the EFI the same or are there more issues? Are the EFI engines more sensitive to ethanol issues?

    Thoughts on the EFI?


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Are the EFI engines more sensitive to ethanol issues?

    You and your ethanol issues.

    Posts: 731



    Are the EFI engines more sensitive to ethanol issues?

    You and your ethanol issues.

    As Mrs. Grouse often reminds me, Ralph, I’ve got a LOT of issues.

    Actually, I’m just setting up a future blame scenario here. This way no matter what happens, I can blame ethanol.

    Yesterday, I was taking down a tree for my neighbor. I was trying to quickly change out the chainsaw chain for a sharp one and I put the chain on backwards and the saw wouldn’t cut.

    Naturally, I blamed ethanol.

    See how it works?


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I wish I could help but I don’t know anybody personally running that machine. I haven’t heard anything bad though.
    I have EFI on both of my Kawi’s and it has been great but that really doesn’t apply to your question.

    Posts: 138

    I have a 2007 500 EFI. Have had no problems. Starts easy and runs great. I do not have a lot of miles on it, ~600.

    It typically starts good in the winter, as long as the battery holds charge.

    I have no complaints.

    I also have a 2010 550 EFI. This is also a good machine. Much more HP than the old 500.


    Posts: 731

    Thanks for the replies, guys.

    The thing that got me wondering about an EFI is that there are currently 2 machines on Craigslist, both EFIs and both look to be in very good condition, both priced right. And neither one has moved. They keep getting posted, reposted, and adding things like “No Lowballers” to the ad, which indicates the sellers are getting frustrated.

    So that got me thinking, what’s up with EFI machines that nobody seems to be buying them? Probably just the fact that they are higher priced than the older machines, but thought it was worth asking.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764



    I was trying to quickly change out the chainsaw chain for a sharp one and I put the chain on backwards and the saw wouldn’t cut.

    I’d be lying if I said that I have never done that.

    Posts: 731




    I was trying to quickly change out the chainsaw chain for a sharp one and I put the chain on backwards and the saw wouldn’t cut.

    I’d be lying if I said that I have never done that.


    So would everyone else who’s ever used a chainsaw for more than a few hours.


    Menomonie Wi.
    Posts: 260

    Got a 2009 Ranger 500EFI, no problems.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    One of ours in EFI and I like it better. No pain in the but choke. Just start and go.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    When they start putting carbs back on boats and cars, I would worry about it on an ATV. No issues for me “at all”… I have had both and EFI spanks a carb, especially in MN winters. No ethanol issues to speak of here either. I do run the 92 octane when I can get it, but even that is not necessary.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    We have 2 Polaris 500 EFI and one 800 EFI, no problems with them. We also have a couple 500 carbed and they are pretty darn good also, but they don’t have the zip the EFI does.

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    I have had 3 polaris efi machines with 0 problems, my current one is a 2013 850 with 500 miles. just turn the key and go

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