Check out the plot forum. Tons of info!!!!
The awesome thing about food plots is that they can be as simple or complex as you like and hold the capacity to not only aid the health of local wildlife, but also facilitate game patterns and hunting opportunities. How you intend to utilize your plot (for hunting, season of hunting, or just wildlife food) will play a big role in what your best and most effective plot species will be.
I would suggest grooming through the plots forum and think about how you want to utilize your plots. A few questions to keep in mind would be: Do you want to walk your plots for pheasants? Do you want sanctuary habitat for your birds? Do you want a plot that draws all bow season, a portion of the season, or a plot that draws during gun season? Do you want a plot that is most geared to wildlife health (i.e. early season nutrition for the herd or antler growth, wintering habitat for pheasants, ect.) or a plot geared to hunt over?
There is alot of great information in the plots forum, and at any point you have some more specific questions (as there as so many ways to answer your initial question) do not hesitate to post questions there. There is an abundance of food plot knowledge and experience here within the idohunting community/members.