New Hunting Buddy!

  • thinkeyes
    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    My new hunting buddy, Nash David, arrived Monday the 11th, a little ahead of schedule and certainly on his own terms. After a short stay in NICU and a potential heart issue, Nash came home on Saturday with a clean bill of health! Simply put, there is no other feeling that compares to becoming a dad and I am very excited for him to be old enough to go on outdoor excursions with me!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Congratulations!!!!! Best wishes to you, your wife, and to the journey of a new family.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Congrats! Enjoy every minute it goes fast. Mine is a year old now and I can’t beleave how fast it wentlike people said.

    Posts: 1054

    Mine are 26 and 24 and I remember it like it was yesterday. Congrats!!!!!!


    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    I totally expected to see a new puppy of some sort. This is way better…. nothing against dogs.

    Congrats on the little guy and good to hear he is doing great!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653


    It is the greatest thing in the world to be a dad…enjoy every minute of it.

    The time goes quick…..if you’ve ever thought man time is flying by you better fasten your seatbelt!!

    My little guy is going to be 5 in Feb… feels like just last week we were bringing him home for the first time.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792


    Nipawin, Saskatchewan, Canada
    Posts: 97

    Congrats Jake, my oldest gets to purchase his first deer tag in a week, he turns 12 and gets to hunt the last week of the Sask whitetail season. I have been looking forward to this for almost 12 yrs. He has been making trips with me since he was 3. I have arrowed deer, elk and moose with him by my side and I am pretty sure he was more excited than I was. I can’t wait for Dec. 1 to get here as he will be packing a gun, and I am pretty sure I will be more excited than him.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Awesome!! So, are you hunting WI opener….

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408


    Awesome!! So, are you hunting WI opener….

    Oh I think I will be sitting that one out. Might sneak out once in TN this weekend, maybe.

    Thanks for the congrats all!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Congrats. Our 2nd will arrive in 8 days! Fun times ahead!

    Posts: 731

    Congrats. It’s really terrific to bring a new hunter into the world.

    Now go out and buy some guns! They aren’t getting any cheaper you know. Just think of how much more they will cost when he’s 12. You know it makes sense.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104


    Congratulations!!!!! Best wishes to you, your wife, and to the journey of a new family.

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