Lost drive and desire for hunting.

  • Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5854

    Love to have ya down Rootski….but happy to throw one in the mail for ya if ya cant make it down this way.I think both of these might be really good on Pool #2!

    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    Brian I’m switching from a Jiffy model 31. So my arms will be happier not having to carry that heavy beast. But it sure did cut good holes.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Yup, I retired old yella a couple years ago. Good auger, but when I went ice fishing, I would ask whom ever I was going with to bring theirs.

    I don’t recall who I sold it to..but they were young!

    Posts: 539

    Despite my best effort to get back into hunting and trying to find my enthusiasm for it, I just have lost my drive/desire. I hang stands and cameras, scout new areas, get excited through others, etc. However when the alarm goes off in the morning I say heck with it. When I am in the stand, I day dream about fishing.

    I love shooting the bow and rifles. I guess I just shoot them for fun and personal practice now. Not for hunting prep.

    Not sure why it frustrates me, but it does. Third weekend of season, I will be on the water. Not in the tree.

    Posts: 163

    I had something very similar going on with fishing the last couple of years for me. I really wanted to give up the sport after it was my favorite thing over the rest of my life. I had a big fancy boat and all the trimings. What I figured out was I need to change things up, make things more simple and on my own. I got rid of the new boat, quit getting so upset if I had a bad day or trip. Also, I got into fly fishing for pike and musky with a good buddy. The last two years have been the funniest fishing of my life. We make most of our tackle (leaders and flies) which is really cool and we eliminated all technology (no graphs, boat motors, etc). I guess we went to the KISS method (keep it simple stupid) and since it is new and exciting and such a low success is expected we have an absolute blast and it has made me appreciate all fishing more. I don’t know if any of this would apply to you and hunting but maybe. Or maybe you would just rather fish, nothing wrong with that.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1820

    I’m going through the same thing with fishing. I got burned out on fishing big water getting bounced around all day.

    That and I got tired of pushing that damn heavy boat around the garage.

    I bought a bird dog last year and decided to bird hunt more.

    I also sold my boat and am thinking about buying a boat I can still fish the river and small lakes and use for duck hunting.

    Posts: 539

    I hear ya. I have sold the big glass boat and will be going simply this year so I can access some really backwoods, out of the way lakes near the cabin.

    Deer hunting isn’t about the killing for me anymore. Hasn’t been for many years. In fact, we were looking in the camp journal this weekend. I haven’t shot a deer since 2009. Despite seeing shootable deer since then.

    I remember one of the reasons was killing a deer just to put meat in the freezer just got to be way to easy. Long range shooting, short range spot and stalk, etc. all was to easy. Unless I targeted a specific buck.

    Plus about the same time the finace got sick during deer processing weekend and now she can’t stand the smell and taste of venison. So we don’t need/want the meat anymore. So that means I am shooting deer for my friends and not for myself.

    I do enjoy reconnecting with nature in the deer stand. Sat of opener was great for that. I can justify reconnecting and clearing my brain on one 7-8 hour sit (maybe over a Sun sit to). Not three weeks worth.

    I still intend on going up as I own the cabin we hunt out of and I really enjoy the camaraderie. I will just bring the winter boat and fish during the day.

    My son is 2 years old. I can’t wait for him to get old enough so I can be excited for him.

    Posts: 163

    In the end, just do what makes you happy. If you want to go up and enjoy the group and fish I see nothing but great. Maybe just pointing the new guys in the group to your hunting spots and seeing them shoot nice deer will be enough to make you happy. I think once you have a son up there it will all change again. Good luck with everything and thanks for sharing the story as I think this tends to affect some of us.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3053

    Burn out, happened to me with fishing, now I hunt more. Seems like quite a few guys go through this and if a person is passionate about something (like we all know you were about hunting) it seems the crash is harder. Good luck with everything ruger2506 !

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    It happens with age. Experience can diminish your sense of adventure. It’s also human nature to take less and less risk as you age.

    Posts: 92

    I think “THEY” call it getting older!

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    My guess is a lot of guys go through this phase as hunters. I know I’ve lost some of my drive over the past couple of years as well. Even though I still love getting out in the woods and chasing a big buck or 2 for myself, I know I don’t get as excited as I used to.

    Have you ever thought about mentoring or working with a group that organizes and takes out disabled hunters? I have found guiding others (young and old) the past 3-4 years to be very enjoyable. It gives me a huge sense of accomplishment to help others harvest deer and turkey. Plus, it gives me a chance to video tape and catch “raw” emotion.

    As for the little one at home, I’m in a similar situation with a 2 yr old boy. I look at him and can’t wait to spend time on the water or in the woods. I can’t wait to share and experience the highs and lows of fishing and hunting with him.

    After thinking about it, maybe you didn’t lose your drive or desire for hunting. Likely, you have just replaced something you love to do with something else that you love even more, your son.

    Either way, have fun and keep things fun.

    Good Luck Fishing!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    As for the little one at home, I’m in a similar situation with a 2 yr old boy. I look at him and can’t wait to spend time on the water or in the woods. I can’t wait to share and experience the highs and lows of fishing and hunting with him.

    After thinking about it, maybe you didn’t lose your drive or desire for hunting. Likely, you have just replaced something you love to do with something else that you love even more, your son.

    x2. I’ve got a 2 year old at home and another set to arrive shortly after Thanksgiving, and I, too, have noticed a lack of fishing/hunting desire. They’re only young once–I know where my priorities lie.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    So I’m not the only one who feels this way. I still haven’t bought my Mn fishing license this year. Missing opener on Mille Lacs due to ice really wiped out my once a year trip. Picking up trapping this fall along with spring turkey hunting have really filled the void in what little free time I have.

    Like others have said, do what makes you happy.

    Posts: 731


    Despite my best effort to get back into hunting and trying to find my enthusiasm for it, I just have lost my drive/desire. I hang stands and cameras, scout new areas, get excited through others, etc. However when the alarm goes off in the morning I say heck with it. When I am in the stand, I day dream about fishing.

    I love shooting the bow and rifles. I guess I just shoot them for fun and personal practice now. Not for hunting prep.

    Not sure why it frustrates me, but it does. Third weekend of season, I will be on the water. Not in the tree.

    Things change and people change.

    I don’t see anything wrong with anything you’ve written. I even periodically question my own desire/sanity/whatever sometimes.

    I think part of the problem may be in how hunting and fishing has tended toward what I call Addict Worship.

    We’re constantly bombarded with images and stories of hunters and anglers who are obsessed. They have all the latest gear, latest technology, latest vehicles. They’re out there doing it 366 days per year. They eat it, sleep it, dream it, and talk it. Bigger, better, more, more, more.

    And the message seems to be that if you’re not that guy, well, what’s wrong with you? Don’t you like to fish/hunt? More is more and more bigger is more better.

    Well, that’s fine for some, but it doesn’t work for me. I have two boys under the age of 6. In trying to bring them into the field sports, I’ve had to change some things alreay about how I go about things. I’m sure there are many, many more changes to come.


    Davenport, ia
    Posts: 14

    Hello, First post on this side.

    I go thru this on just about everything… I’m in a constant state of picking up or expanding activities and setting ones aside. I commonly get into something for a few years and then fall into the “Been there, Done that” mentality. I may revisit them down the road or may not. I have so much accumulated gear from hunting, fishing, camping, bikes, kayaks, skis, camera equip, etc. They all provide a different avenue to the same base: OUTDOORS. For the ones I hold onto for a longer period of time I find myself approaching them them from a different angle, challenge or perspective otherwise I get bored with them.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844


    Hello, First post on this side.

    I go thru this on just about everything… I’m in a constant state of picking up or expanding activities and setting ones aside. I commonly get into something for a few years and then fall into the “Been there, Done that” mentality. I may revisit them down the road or may not. I have so much accumulated gear from hunting, fishing, camping, bikes, kayaks, skis, camera equip, etc. They all provide a different avenue to the same base: OUTDOORS. For the ones I hold onto for a longer period of time I find myself approaching them them from a different angle, challenge or perspective otherwise I get bored with them.

    Do you have any old friends??

    Davenport, ia
    Posts: 14



    Hello, First post on this side.

    I go thru this on just about everything… I’m in a constant state of picking up or expanding activities and setting ones aside. I commonly get into something for a few years and then fall into the “Been there, Done that” mentality. I may revisit them down the road or may not. I have so much accumulated gear from hunting, fishing, camping, bikes, kayaks, skis, camera equip, etc. They all provide a different avenue to the same base: OUTDOORS. For the ones I hold onto for a longer period of time I find myself approaching them them from a different angle, challenge or perspective otherwise I get bored with them.

    Do you have any old friends??

    Sad but so true
    BTW… Tonneau cover is working great.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Good to hear.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Everyone needs to find their balance as life continues. I’ve gone “over the top” on a few things along the way myself but I have yet to find any solution in abstinence. I need time on the water. I need time in the woods. I need to work. I need to visit/socialize with family and friends. I need a creative outlet. I need a challenge. I need to experience something new……. now and again.

    Just know that there’s nothing wrong with switching gears or rearranging things. Just don’t ignore any signs that may indicate it’s something deeper. I’ve been there too and there’s no shame in getting “your head examined”.

    Be ever watchful and true to the things you know are truly the most important and make sure that in everything, you’re still feeling good about “you”.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22728

    Take up golfing… when you truely master that, get back to me I am going through the same thing with fishing… open water fishing anyways. I would much rather sit in an ice shack with 3 or 4 good friends and maybe even drill some holes, than bang around in the boat. I have dropped off on the scouting and prep for hunting, as far as cameras and shotting lanes/new stands, but sitting in a tree on a perfect fall day, is very comfortable and even therapeutic for me. And for me also, it is not about the kill or the thrill, it is about the memories we make and the passing of another year, reminding me that I too am yet another year older…

    Posts: 2998

    I’ve been in the same situation with fishing. I Guided on the river, tried my luck at a few tournament circuits, custom Jersey, brand new 20ft Ranger, big ol 250 etec….. Every dream I had as a kid. Then one day it’s like someone flipped the switch and it wasn’t enjoyable anymore. I know a lot of that feeling was due to loosing a friend that I was as close to on the water as I was off. I also felt as if I accomplished my goal/dream I hoped for for so long. I still wonder if my lack of passion is caused from a sense of closure in a way or just got burnt out. I did sell my tournament boat as well as downsized on all my gear. I don’t know when I’ll get back into it again but I figure when I jump back into it I plan to get back to the basics smaller boat less gear and hopefully teach my kids some stuff.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13778

    It will come back with a vengeance…. yet, be totally different. Been down that road many times and switching between fishing lake MI, Tributaries, lakes, rivers, hunting grouse, deer, bow hunting. I have about 25 or so racks in the pole barn, garage, basement, and a few friends houses that still not been plagued yet.

    But when child number 1 says its time to fish or hunt, you’ll be getting up 2 hours before the alarm goes off and be the biggest kid in the family. I could give a rats behind if I ever caught another walleye of shot another 175″ buck. But i’ll drive 1000 miles to give a daughter a morning of antelope hunting, or pull an all nighter from work and driving to give her a day on the river or lake. The pride that comes from being there to see your children constantly advancing their skills in something your passionate about is so much more than exhilarating. Words are hard to come by for describing it…but when it happens, there is no doubt that a new type of fire is lit!! I know these are all pics that have been on here before. but believe me, when its YOUR kid making the achievements, you’ll know exactly what I’m trying to describe

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