WPA’s NWR’s CLosed to hunting and Fishing

  • mwal
    Posts: 1054

    According to Mpls STarTribune all WPA’s and NWR’s are officially closed to hunting during budget shutdown.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I saw some cops out in Albertville area yesterday “gaurding” an area. Not sure what that was about.

    Posts: 1054

    This also closes down the hunting on the upper Mississippi NWR. The article also lists fishing as being banned you better know where you are on the river until this mess gets settled.


    Posts: 1

    Mn dnr said on the phone today they will not enforce it

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023


    Mn dnr said on the phone today they will not enforce it

    This makes sense. I don’t see why they would.

    Posts: 539


    Mn dnr said on the phone today they will not enforce it

    I should hope not. That is asinine.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I heard some crap about shutting down the WPA’s and Horicon marsh here in WI. during the fed’s shut down. I call BS on that if they really do try. Us, the sportsmen have contributed heavily with our tax dollars and associated FEES that we have paid to be able to utilize that land and those programs. It will be a cold day in hell before I accept some lying arse federal pencil pushing desk jockey telling me and my daughters that they are taking our money and that we can go pound sand.
    Some how, VERY SOON, we need to get accountability back in place for these elected officials. Voting structure needs to change ASAP!!! Having the majority of metro non-sportsmen being able to out vote the rural class folks is always going to keep us as a minority and not having a fair voice.

    Posts: 731

    Federal beaurcrats need to be very careful here. I understand that many Federal employees are angry and they want the public to “feel their pain” by maximizing the impact by shutting down as many things as possible.

    My advice to the Federal employees is don’t break the law! There is NO precident for legally shutting down the public’s access to public property based only on your inability to be there.

    Putting up chains in front of boat landings? I think you’re on very questionable footing there. Do you even know if that action is legal?

    The government’s inability to patrol, provide law enforcement, etc, is NOT an automatic legal excuse for preventing the public from using an asset. I would like to know if a case can be brought against Federal employees and agencies for blocking access illegally.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I’m very sleep deprived, so I guess I’m too dam tired to bite my tongue. Any Fed employee that has an attitude of “feel my pain” can come on over, pucker up, and …well you get the image.

    So, where was the “sharing in the pain” back in 2000-1/2 when the technology market crashed and thousands of cable/fiber/ telcom-data guys lost their jobs???
    Where was the sharing in 2005 when the construction market fell??

    2006-2010 as every retailer, banking, manufacturing, construction, skill trades, and so on jobs fell?????

    2010 to current as so many have try to put their careers back together and bit the bullet to do what ever they can to earn a buck to feed their families and keep a roof over head.

    I want any and everyone that works for “US” to make a reasonable living and paid fair for what they do. But some (definitely not all)need to get the turd out of their brain from having their head stuck up the sun-less hole so long and come to reality. If the public sector of America is making 10 to 50% less than what they were 5 years ago, OBVIOUSLY there is a hell of a lot less money going into the kettle for paying salaries, benefits, services, and all the other BS that goes on. I have extended family members that work school districts, military, and so on. Oh my God, I blow a gasket to hear their PMS about a FEW un-paid days off and a few thousand needing to be paid in towards their benni’s. They still have a GOOD paying job, great bennifits, and a strong level of security that their job isn’t going away. Spend at least 6 months being self employed, carrying the entire load for your family, then come talk to me. Until then, work on clearing the crap out of your blurry vision.
    I know I’m lashing out at a FEW, NOT EVERYONE. I know there are some awesome individuals that could be making much more in private sector, but they know and accepted they took the security of state/federal and benefits over the risk of private. Kudos to them for sucking it up and just dealing with it like the rest of us. For the others that are living the life of entitlement—–>

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