It hadn’t even occured to me, but my father pointed out that this year will be my 30th year of deer hunting.
I started at 12. I’m sure there were many boys who started before I did.
Dad was firm on the notion that deer hunting was a no-go until I passed the firearms safety training course. Needless to say, that provided plenty of motivation for me to get 100% on the final safety exam so that I could hunt that fall.
Holy Moses, it seems like a thousand years ago. I remember thinking of deer hunting as a “winter” persuit. Back in the day when northern MN got snow on either the first or at the latest the second weekend of deer season. I was always cold as a young hunter and I can remember HOPING for “warm” weather so I wouldn’t be freezing to death on the stand.
My first morning of deer hunting I recall quite clearly. I had taken up a position at the edge of a hay field with a bolt action .410 and slugs. Lots of deer had been seen in the hay field in the mornings, so dad pretty much figured I’d have my pick when it got light.
Well it got light and there were the deer, right on schedule. Unfortunately, we had not played the “range guessing game” enough. I picked out the biggest doe and squeezed off a shot. And dirt flew in front of her and the whole field cleared out.
I was thinking it was about 100 yards. Dad paced it off at just over 190. Ooopps. There was a lot to learn before I finally connected a few years later.