Humbled, yet again

  • rod-man
    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    Sorry to hear that Chris
    The Falls is a close knit community and I am sure he will be missed.
    prayers sent

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I’m terribly sorry to hear of the loss. Please extend IDO’s condolences to your friend and his family.

    Posts: 2

    Thanks rainydaze for a wonderful posting about a wonderful man. Very touching…
    your buddy’s wife.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Sorry to hear of this loss!!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    we all hate when things such as this occur, the family is in our prayers.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    For just over a month now, I’ve been asking for your help to raise enough funds to participate in a challenge that I wasn’t sure I was even up for. 25.5 miles of fairly rugged terrain in just one day. I’ve been training, I’ve been practicing and I’ve been outfitting myself to make sure that I can get this menial task accomplished. It seemed to take a little bit to get the coffers flowing, but once they did, the dike burst wide open. With some gentle nudging from BK along with Kooty, Blue and Steve and some extra support from the FW, this all seemed to come together so quickly in the last two weeks. I have only met a handful of the fine folks on this site face to face. But so many of you that donated have no idea who the heck I am, let alone the families that we are trying to support. I know it’s a great cause, probably not too many out there that would be a better cause. But it still amazes me how complete strangers will come together to help out a noble and worthy cause. I would happily go to bat for any of you on this site that have supported the Tjossems, myself or any family that has had to battle this devistating disease. And with that, I say Thank You. Truely from my heart, Thank you.

    Now then, I have more than surpassed my goal of $2500.00 that was the minimun amount I needed to participate in the Ultimate Hike. Does that mean you cannot donate anymore??? Absolutely not, please feel free to give until the hike date of August 24th. Ultimate Hike – Bob Pries

    Or if your so inclined, there is this site as well. Brighter tomorrows was there for the Tjossem’s while they were fighting Kaden’s cancer. It is a Rochester, MN based organization that supports famlies with childhood cancer. They offer hotel stays, gift certificates for gas, food, clothing, toys. They also have family counseling sessions, family bereavement programs and many, many other outreach programs for families. Logan and Jaime Tjossem have piggy backed with Brighter Tomorrows and started the “The Kaden Samuel Tjossem Running Hugs” Memorial Fund. Kadens – Running Hugs

    Both of the websites are great organizations and both of them support families that have or are battling childhood cancer.

    Thank you again, each and everyone of you. I am truely humbled by your generosity

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