Stinking coyote

  • kevin_sahly
    maple grove,mn
    Posts: 116

    I was having what I thought was the perfect ending to a challenging turkey season. The Tom I’ve been chasing had finally returned to the area after vanishing for a week. He gobbled 1-2 times in roost, then approx 30 min later he went crazy. It was on! I had him fired up & working his way to me. At one point he did 4 gobbles in a row. He was coming in hot from behind me. I was hooked on d-loop and ready. All of a sudden a stinking coyote came busting out of woods in front of me & was running at my decoys. I thought,”oh no you don’t”, and I quickly tried to draw back on him. He saw my movement and took a hard left before I could bust him. Unfortunately the Tom must have been close enough to get a visual of him and he went to silent mode, disappearing in the woods. I am so pissed off at coyotes ruining my chance for success. I’m going to hunt hard till dark on this final hurrah. It’s definitely the adrenaline rush of this cat n’ mouse game that keeps me coming back. Soo close, yet not close enough.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Tough break! I had a similar thing happen last year on a client. 12 year old girl and her first opportunity. She was so excited to hear them come out of roost and cross a valley. You could hear the leaves turning as they approached. Pack of yotes came running through and ran every turkey out of our valleye that morning. Sickening thing to see the look of “what just happened” on her face

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I think we all need to pledge to whack one dog a month.

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