My buddy is asking about Fusion Bullets. I haven’t really had much “hands on” experience with them. Anybody have any input? Good or bad? He will be shooting factory ammo for a 7MM Mag and a .308.

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My buddy is asking about Fusion Bullets. I haven’t really had much “hands on” experience with them. Anybody have any input? Good or bad? He will be shooting factory ammo for a 7MM Mag and a .308.
That’s all I shoot with my 270 wsm, and I love them! My friend in Georgia turned me on to them a few years ago. He is a competitive long range shooter and so I had him dial in my new gun/scope. He obviously loads all his own ammo, but for a guy like me who doesn’t have the time, nor the expertise to load my own, he set me up with fusion. He got me shooting 600 yds w/accuracy, I had never shot that far in my life. I don’t know a lot about ballistics, he just showed me how to use ” spot on app” from Nikon and they worked great. I haven’t had any problems w/jamming and they don’t leave my gun filthy. They are rather difficult to find at times and pricey, but maybe that just cause of the caliber. I shoot the 150 gr I think. Thumbs up on them for me.
That’s all I shoot with my 270 wsm, and I love them! My friend in Georgia turned me on to them a few years ago. He is a competitive long range shooter and so I had him dial in my new gun/scope. He obviously loads all his own ammo, but for a guy like me who doesn’t have the time, nor the expertise to load my own, he set me up with fusion. He got me shooting 600 yds w/accuracy, I had never shot that far in my life. I don’t know a lot about ballistics, he just showed me how to use ” spot on app” from Nikon and they worked great. I haven’t had any problems w/jamming and they don’t leave my gun filthy. They are rather difficult to find at times and pricey, but maybe that just cause of the caliber. I shoot the 150 gr I think. Thumbs up on them for me.
How did they hold up to the game you shot? Did you recover any bullets? Did they appear to expand properly? Did the game run far or drop? Broken bones?
I’ve shot deer and hogs with them. It dropped them right away, though it seemed a bit of overkill on the small Georgia deer in that the exit hit some bone and it blew the shoulder off it. That’s a pretty hot load in that caliber. Great for the hogs. My buddy did warn me that a shot w/that set up that doesn’t hit any bone will pass thru so fast that you will have a hard time finding blood. That’s would be terrible, but I never had anything that didn’t drop quickly with it.
Fusion is my preferred ammo for hunting. I have been using it for three years. I shoot a Remingtion 700 270WIN. I chose Fusion after bench shooting several brands for accuaracy. Fusion came out on top for most consistancy and had the tightest groups. As different rifles “like” different ammo this doesn’t mean it will perform as well in your buddy’s rifle.
As far as in the field performance I have been pleased with the product. I have hunted whitetails in Minnesota and whitetails and hogs in south Texas. Whitetails shot behind the shoulder have not gone more than 75 yards. The average is 50 yards. I intentionally shoot behind the shoulder so I don’t damage the meat. The only bones affected are ribs and are clean breaks. Internal trama is massive which leads me to believe expansion is adaquate. I have not recovered bullets, nor have I had issues with fragments. All deer were killed within 100 yards.
On hogs all shots were head shots at 75 to 100 yards. Entry hole is tiny and hard to find. However exit is 3″ to 4″ with extensive skull damage. All hogs have dropped where shot. This round is devastating to bone. My guess is if a whitetail was shot through the shoulders there would be subtaintial tissue damage.
Hope this helps.
If you want to shoot a deer in the should blades it will devastate it. They create a ton of damage when they hit solid bone. Ive had pieces of bone on the exit side of the wound and on the tree behind it. I also had a lot of meat damaged from it.
I too had problems finding blood if shot through the rib area, I watched the deer run and die about 75 yards off. But I went to the point of impact and couldnt find blood.
I was shooting factory loaded 180 gr 30.06
I dont shoot it anymore, im a big barnes mrx fan. Punches holes through deer with out blowing up.
If you want to shoot a deer in the should blades it will devastate it. They create a ton of damage when they hit solid bone. Ive had pieces of bone on the exit side of the wound and on the tree behind it. I also had a lot of meat damaged from it.
I too had problems finding blood if shot through the rib area, I watched the deer run and die about 75 yards off. But I went to the point of impact and couldnt find blood.
I was shooting factory loaded 180 gr 30.06
I dont shoot it anymore, im a big barnes mrx fan. Punches holes through deer with out blowing up.
Thanks guys. Yeah, from what you are telling me the Fusion is to soft for Elk. If you are getting rapid expansion on deer and hogs the bullets just aren’t built for thicker hide and larger bones.
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