1911 45

  • wildfan
    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Do any of you guys own a 1911 pistol?
    Just curious what brands you have had good luck with.
    Looking into purchasing one.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    Kimber will be my next purchase.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Springfield GI model. in stainless. Works fantastic. I’ll second kimber, also check out Para ordinance.

    Posts: 130

    How much would you like to spend? What will its purpose be?
    Anytime I purchase a new firearm I first set a price limit and find an application for the gun.
    The 1911 platform has been around forever and there are several “stock” options as well as custom guns.
    The two mentioned prior, Kimber and Springfield are great options. Para- is another great option. The choices range from full size to carry size, grip laser sights, custom internals/barrels/triggers, etc. Some of these guns can costs thousands, although you should be able to acquire a really nice 1911 for under <$1200.

    Ogilvie Minnesota
    Posts: 600

    Thanks for the replies guys, will use it just for fun shooting most of the time, but am thinking maybe useing it for deer hunting also.

    UP Michigan
    Posts: 198

    I have two colts one is a full frame and one defender. I also have a Kimber custom. They are nice shooting guns and are great for punching paper but are not my carry guns of choice

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    Kimber will be my next purchase.

    Deer hunting? Are there any handgun restrictions for deer hunting in MN?

    Posts: 731


    Thanks for the replies guys, will use it just for fun shooting most of the time, but am thinking maybe useing it for deer hunting also.

    Assuming that you hunt in an area where rifles are allowed, a .45 auto could be used for deer, but you would have to get very, very close.

    The impact of using a short barrel is easy to underestimate. I hunted with a .357 magnum and 357 Rem Max when I started handgun hunting, and while everything looks fine at 50 yards, there is a significant drop starting at 100 as it just runs out of steam.

    And all that assumes you have the ability to hit something at those distances. Very questionable with any kind of autoloader. And anything beyond rock throwing distances, to put it plainly, hitting something with a handgun is damn difficult.


    Posts: 130

    Not to say that it cannot be done, or has not been done, but .45 ACP is typically not a recommended hunting cartridge. At short distances, such as bow range, it certainly has enough energy to do the job with a well placed round. In this cartridge, your defense loads may be your best option for a “hunting” cartridge.
    The only deer I’ve shot with a handgun was a doe at about 25 yards with a Ruger GP100 in .357 with a 6″ barrel, and that deer looked tiny through the sights. Mind you, I’ve seen some fellas who are really proficient with their hunting handguns that can split a watermelon at 75 yards; but that is not what I am capable of.
    Know your range, and know your limits.
    Set a max distance, practice, practice, practice, and enjoy!

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