Gun Mfgs Must Be Unhappy

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I would think gun mfgs have got to be upset about the ammo situation? I’ll bet a lot of people arent buying because there’s no ammo to shoot. New gun ranges, new Gander specialty stores, etc. Do you think they will be the victims of bad timing? Are people still buying hand guns like crazy? I noticed a few AR’s in every gunshop I stopped at last weekend. It seems they are now very available and down from the crazy high prices. That’s what one gunshop owner told me. Still cant get ammo though.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I just shake my head. We were at Fleet Farm yesterday. The only handgun ammo in site was .32 ACP. Who the hell shoots that? (I guess that’s why it was still on the shelf )

    Posts: 731

    I’m not sure that gun and ammo sales are closely linked.

    I also don’t think the relative lack of ammo will stop anyone from buying the gun. They might complain more about the inability to shoot it, but they’ll still buy.

    The massive panic buying of guns was triggered by the fear that ARs and handguns were about to be banned after the Newtown killings. I think this panic buying spree was tempered by two factors. First, there is a limit to the number of people who can go out and spend $500 – $5000 on guns at any given time. And once they do spend, they are not likely to spend again within a short period of time.

    Secondly, the lack of availability that ensued after the initial panic, combined with the relative lack of success that the gun grabbers have had in instituting full bans, will have more people looking at the situation rationally and choosing not to purchse. The fact of the matter is that there isn’t going to be a nation-wide ban on any one gun or type of gun. It’s extremely questionable weather or not the Federal government even has the power to implement a blanket ban on possession within a single state.

    Ammo, on the other hand was and continues to be 100% panic driven with no rational basis for the increased buying.

    Nobody at the state or Federal level proposed banning ammunition or reloading components. Nobody proposed banning the amount of ammunition one could possess. It’s simply hording of ammo for no reason and the more the horders gobbled up to pile in their basements, the more desperate people became because there was no ammo. So they horded even more…

    Compared to guns, ammo is relatively inexpensive, so more people had the money to go out on panic hording sprees.


    Posts: 138

    I can tell you the ammo situation is affecting gun sales.

    I am in the market for a handgun, but will not buy one until ammunition is readily available.

    Why shell out $1,000 for a handgun I can not use. The money can sit in my bank account acruing interest until the hoarders have had their fill.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I don’t know about long guns, but handguns were sure scarce for quite a while. I haven’t been looking lately, but most of the places I visit had empty shelves.

    Menomonie Wi.
    Posts: 260

    Grouse, you nailed it! If I wanted to buy a gun I would still buy it if the price was reasonable. I saw that the guns being sold out were AR-15’s and handguns with high capacity clips that people feared would be banned by the anti’s. Now that we are past the hysteria I hope to see ammo back on the shelves at normal prices.

    Posts: 731


    I am in the market for a handgun, but will not buy one until ammunition is readily available.

    Why shell out $1,000 for a handgun I can not use. The money can sit in my bank account acruing interest until the hoarders have had their fill.

    Totally understand that view. But you’re obviously confident that the gun you want will be there waiting WHEN you want to buy it.

    I think a lot of the panic buying was done by guys who were convinced that “Obama was going to ban all guns next week.” So they were buying whatever they could at any price.

    Honestly, some of the threads I saw on other forums! Some guys were literally hysterical. One guy wrote that he had a panic attack and passed out because the doorbell rang and he thought it was the FBI coming to confiscate his guns, but it was only the UPS guy. There were several threads documenting how guys had prepped guns for burrial in their back yards and they actually did it! They planted their freaking guns in the ground. Wow.

    Let’s hope sanity is returning.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    They planted their freaking guns in the ground. Wow.

    What? I suppose you keep yours in a safe? Well, la tee da, Mr. Fancy Pants!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019



    They planted their freaking guns in the ground. Wow.

    Let me guess.

    Posts: 731




    They planted their freaking guns in the ground. Wow.

    Let me guess.

    Oh Lord no. Compared to, ideas like burying guns would seem normal. Honestly, in the past 6 months I’ve seen 4-5 lenghty threads discussing, in detail, how to bury guns. Best types of shrink wrap to use, PVC pipe vs ABS pipe, to rice or not to rice, etc.

    At, they were talking about how to blast thier gun collections into space so they could orbit the Earth safely out of Obama’s grubby gun grabbing little fingers.

    The ideal was to have the “Gunolites” (as they were labeled) give off a blinking light as they passed overhead as a kind of “Who’s your daddy?” taunt to the Earth-bound Obama.

    I mean, this was one of the more sane-sounding ideas to defy Obamascation schemes. From here, they got progressively more and more out there.


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