Gun and mag bans in MN look to be unlikely

  • johnee
    Posts: 731

    Judging from news reports and other commentary from those who attended the Minnesota Senate hearings this week on proposed gun restrictions and bans, it looks as though outright bans are unlikely to even come up for a vote.

    Drafts and proposals that feature outright bans on “assult” weapons (whatever that is) and magazines with capacities greater than 10 rounds have all recieved a frosty reception in the Senate. It has been clear from the outset that the Senate as a whole is much less willing to tread on Second Ammendment rights and as a whole is very skeptical of claims that cracking down on legal and law-abiding gun owners will somehow keep criminals from getting guns.

    Overall, there seems to have been a dramatic difference in the testomoy with far less hysterical rantings from so-called “community activists”. I have wondered for some time how I can go about getting myself elected as one of these “commmunity activits”, but that’s another matter.

    There were even some moments of consensus whereby both sides agreed that expanding no-gun laws to include more felons would be a good thing. Also there was general agreement that straw buyers should face stiffer peanalties. It’s not hard for me to get on board with this as we all know who the majority of straw buyers are and why they choose to aquire guns in this way.

    We need to keep careful watch on what the more liberal and Minneapolis-biased house tries to do in coming weeks. Also, we need to watch that no tomfoolery occurs toward the end of the session by way of last-minute riders rammed through at the final hour.

    Overall, though, it looks like sanity and common sense are making progress.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Can you confirm all the individual bills like carrying on school grounds makes you a felon has also been tabled for now?

    Posts: 731

    Nothing is out of the realm of possibility right now. Until a bill emerges or nothing at all emerges and the sessoion ends, we have to keep a close eye out.

    The main positive news right now is that the Senate has signaled that there is no support for outright bans on types of guns or magazines. This should serve to throw a bucket of cold water on House democrats who were pushing these draconian bans on that side because inclusion of such measures means the bill would almost certainly be shot down in the Senate.

    Just so it’s not unclear: There almost certainly WILL be bill that impacts gun ownership in some form this session. The key is we need to watch and make sure it is limited to common sense measures that actually will stop criminals from owning guns without trampling on normal people’s Second Ammendment rights. I, for one, have no problem cracking down hard on gang bangers and convicted drug dealers who are caught with guns. I also don’t have any issue with cracking down on straw buyers who are funneling guns to gang members and other felons who the buyer knows full well are perps and not allowed to own guns.


    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    There are so many gun laws out there now police can’t enforce the ones we have now. What needs to happen is STOP the slap on the hand penalties for crimes envolving guns. Start public hanging these scum gun toting fellons and you will solve a lot of problems right there…..

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