Support the shootimg sports day today

  • perchhead
    Posts: 329

    Just to let everyone know today is natioal suppoet the shooting sports day.Everyone should do one of a few different things these are as follows.
    1 Go shoot at gun range
    2 Buy ammo
    3 Buy a firearm
    4 Attend one of fifty pro gun rallys at all 50 state capitols. There is a rally today at the Mn state capitol at noon runs until 3 pm. This rally was organized by somone in Texas on facebook and I found out about it at the end of Thursday.
    I believe that the Mn firearms alliance or some group wiyh a simialar name is sponsoring this event.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It’s too bad this was so poorly organized here. I can’t make the capitol, but have done my part in other ways.

    Posts: 329

    Just returned from the rally at the capitol. Turnout was I would say about 1500-2000 people,it featured some of Minnesotas strongest Reps and State Senators speaking about what needs to be done and this is just the begining.
    We need to bend our Reps ear, we need to e-mail them, spend 5 minutes a day because if bug 5-10-20 times maybe we will stand a chance to turn some of these that are still on the fence.
    Rep Cornish has introduced or will be introducing legislation that will allow teachers to carry, cuurently they have to have permission from Supt or Principal to carry on school grounds,another bill that is being intoduced would allow 21 yr old students at universitys to carry if they hace p2c class.

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