The Radiation is working!!!!!

  • prieser
    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Kaden is having a good day…..Love and Prayers buddy.

    This morning I woke up around 7:30 when I heard the girls rustling around in the kitchen so I decided to check in on Kaden in his room. It was dark so I had to feel where in his bed he was. I found his face and bent down to give him a kiss and all of a sudden he says, “Hi Momma” It kind of surprised me because I thought he was sound asleep! I love hearing his little voice say that to me! I thought he would go back to sleep so I shut his door and went back to bed. A few minutes later I heard, “Momma!!! I’m hungry!”. And so the day starts…

    Kaden actually got up twice last night to go #2….bowels are moving just issues there! He wanted 2 pancakes for breakfast and he ate them both! Last night and again this morning Kaden had a bloody nose. Not a gusher but a dripper. The one last night seemed to go away fairly quickly but the one this morning didn’t want to stop. We know that cold weather and dry air can cause nose bleeds but I called Hospice just in case. They told us to put pressure just above the bridge of his nose and that the bleeding should stop in 15 minutes or less. So we tried that and it worked. No nose bleeds since! I’ll be honest the nose bleeds were a little concerning. His platelet count could be low as a result of the oral chemo and now the radiation. However, blood clotting can also be affected if the liver isn’t functioning properly. The liver produces clotting factors that are necessary for clotting to occur. Knowing that his liver is really not his liver anymore made us wonder if that had something to do with it. But, at this point we feel good that the nose bleeds have stopped and for the most part Kaden is feeling good today! Pain-free thus far. I really do love the fast acting effect that radiation has on these tumors in the spine.

    About an hour after breakfast Kaden requested Ramen noodles. I made him some but he didn’t eat very much. Now he is hungry for yogurt so he and Logan took a car ride to Hy-Vee! I just called Logan and Kaden is doing good at Hy-Vee..he is in one of those car carts He loves those type of carts so I’m glad he was willing to get out of the car and go in with Logan. We have another little part of our Kaden back! Seeing him like this, not wincing in pain, really does give us strength. His body is still fighting…it’s amazing!

    Today, Mary Jo’s friend, Terry Jaeger is coming to the house to perform a Reiki with Kaden. It will be interesting to see it happen in person as opposed to over the phone. It’s not going to hurt him so if there is ANY benefit, big or small, we want it!

    It occurred to me yesterday that December 9th was the one year anniversary of Kaden’s rotationplasty surgery. I remember the “high” that Logan and I felt that day when they told us the tumor was out of his leg and that he did great in surgery. At that time we felt that Kaden was and would continue to be cancer-free. We are still hoping for that miracle but it is crazy how much change can occur in one year’s time. We honestly thought we would be in a very different place right now. I know I don’t need to tell any of you this, but during this holiday season make sure you truly enjoy every moment with your family and loved ones. You just never know what the next day will bring! Don’t stress yourself out over Christmas shopping and wrapping gifts, or having to see your in-laws (ha!), or whatever else might be stressing you! If you’re healthy and those around you are healthy, then count your blessings and quit sweating the small stuff.

    Many of you have commented over the last year and several months how strong Logan and I have been through all of this. Don’t get me wrong, we have our down moments! Logan and I both agreed last night that although we have gotten angry with each other and have stressed each other out at times that most husbands and wives don’t spend every minute of every day together! We literally have been around each other 24/7 for more than 365 days!!! We have not spent one night apart since Sept. 2011. So we joked that we’re doing pretty darn good and that although we have only been married almost 5 years (Dec. 31) that we should definitely get at least a 5 year credit for having spent so much time together the last year and 3 months!

    Oxford, Wi
    Posts: 194

    I wish I was half as strong as kaden he is amazing. I wish you the very best for the holidays!!!!! wish I knew this little guy personally as he is a true fighter.

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I do not post on the hunting side of IDO very often but I feel compelled to respond to this post.
    I have been following your posts. It makes me so sad to hear about poor Kaden and the rest of your family. I have a 10 year old son and cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Whenever I read your posts I think of my son and come close to tears.
    Thank you for keeping us up to date with these posts. I know it must be very hard.
    By the way, just curious, how old is Kaden?

    May God bless your family this holiday season.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Kaden turned 5 in October. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers

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