A plan of action

  • prieser
    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    I really hope no one is put off by my updates from Kaden and his family. As heart breaking as it is, I see alot of people are getting an uplift from Kaden and his parents strength and also their positivity through all of this. If I should not continue, please let me know. I can forward on in the form of a PM if need be. Kaden’s mom posts almost daily on her carepage. I also wanted to let everyone know that, if, they feel compelled to try and help or do anything for the Tjossem’s please send me a PM.

    I was woken up around 8:00am this morning by a little voice from across the hall yelling, “Mom, I’m hungry!” Although I was still tired a little voice in my head rejoiced, “Yay, he’s waking up hungry!”. He started with two pancakes, cut up small enough to dunk in syrup. If they aren’t cut small enough he let’s me know! That was washed down with whole milk. Shortly after, he wanted one of Mary Jo’s cupcake. A cupcake as a second breakfast…no complaints from this Momma!

    We headed to the Clinic at 10:30 for the radiation planning session. Kaden was wrapped in a white bean bag this time and there was no “plastic wrap” used. While Kaden was in the session, Dr. Laack and Dr. Wineshank came out to talk with Logan and I. We discussed the radiation treatment for the tumor on T11. It will be a pain-relieving dose. They told us to give Kaden some Zofran half an hour before tomorrow’s treatment because the radiation will need to travel through his abdomen and it can cause nausea. I asked them if we SHOULD expect nausea or IF it might happen. Dr. Laack kind of chuckled and said, “Well, usually we see nausea but knowing Kaden he won’t experience anything”. Let’s hope that’s the case! We also talked about what the CT and MRI showed. We know that the T9 vertebra that was radiated before our Disney cruise is more or less “mush” as a result of the tumor and the damage that it did. Although we are radiating T11 tomorrow we know that there is still a tumor on T7. We had an interesting conversation about how the vertebrae are numbered because in Kaden’s case his L5 (last lumbar vertebra) and S1 (first sacral vertebra) are fused together…just like mine! Dr. Laack told me that was genetic. So I now know that Kaden not only has my nose, but also my fused L5/S1 or my “back bones” as Kaden calls them. We also asked Dr. Laack about the tumors in his lungs and if there was any potential for radiation. She said that the tumors in the lungs aren’t going to be the problem. It’s the liver tumors that will be life-threatening. If the tumors overtake the liver, the liver will no longer be able to filter metabolic wastes from Kaden’s body. As a result, these “wastes” will build up in the blood and have an effect on Kaden’s brain. This is called encephalopathy. It will cause him to become confused and he will sleep more often. Eventually, he will probably just fall asleep and not wake up. There is a lump in my throat as I write this but the reason I am sharing this is because it’s very important to Logan and I that Kaden doesn’t suffer. When it is his time we want him to go peacefully (ok, eyes watering now) and what Dr. Laack described to us seemed very peaceful and calm. The thought of even losing Kaden is sickening but at the same time we are thankful that we have this time with him. The parents in Iowa that lost their daughters to abduction and murder takes losing a child to a slightly different level. At least we are here, comforting our son when he is in pain or needs us just to cuddle. We will be there with him to the very end.

    Now, on a more happy, positive note! Kaden is having a great day! After the Clinic appointment he said, “Let’s go to the Canadian Honker”. Logan and I were surprised by this because usually Kaden wouldn’t say that…he usually just wants to go home. So we headed to the Honker for some lunch. Kaden only wanted toast…he took one bite and fell asleep When we were done I asked for a to-go box and the waitress told us that the owner, Joe Powers, buys his “regulars” a breakfast or lunch during the holiday season. Our meal was on them today. We were pleasantly surprised and when the waitress left Logan and I looked at each other and said, “So we are regulars, huh?” I guess we have been at the Honker alot since September 2011!! As we were leaving the waitress asked us, “Will you be back again?” I told her we will definitely be back “we’re not done with the clinic yet!”

    Posts: 1054

    I am not put off by your updates. I pray each day for Kaden and his family. Life is tough Kaden is sure teaching all of us life lesson’s on the will to live and be happy with your situation. I am glad he got to go on his Disney adventure.


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I would prefer you keep us updated here Bob. As hard as your updates are to read, I can only imagine how hard they must be to type for Kaden’s mom and dad.

    Thanks for sharing with us!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13794

    Kaden’s story needs to be told! As sad as it is, his life is a story of courage. Please keep us up to date.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104


    Kaden’s story needs to be told! As sad as it is, his life is a story of courage. Please keep us up to date.

    For sure!
    I applaud you and Kaden, and his family as your inner faith and strength works with you all through these incredibly difficult times.
    be with you.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Saying a prayer tonight for Kaden and his family!!!

    Keep the updates coming, the power of prayer is a strong power!!


    Posts: 293

    Please continue. I haven’t commented previously, because I don’t know what to say. But I have been reading and praying. I can’t pretend to understand how or why things turn out the way they do, but I do believe that prayer/hope helps and the more the better. By sharing it here, you are just multiplying the prayers/well wishes and that is definitely a good thing.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    It really brings joy to my heart to see your responses. I just didn’t want to bring anyone down. I’m taking the fire truck up to his house one of these days to go for a little joy ride. (SHHHHH, don’t tell the tax payers ) Thanks again IDO for the added support for my little buddy.

    Oxford, Wi
    Posts: 194

    I am not put down at all just so sad to think what that little boy and his family are going through. I was very young when my father died and I have to hear that everything happens for a reason. I have hated that saying for as long as I can remember and there is no reason to take this brave little boy from his loving family NO GOOD REASON!!!! I feel so much for all that they have went through.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    It really brings joy to my heart to see your responses. I just didn’t want to bring anyone down. I’m taking the fire truck up to his house one of these days to go for a little joy ride. (SHHHHH, don’t tell the tax payers ) Thanks again IDO for the added support for my little buddy.

    Let me know Bob. I would be more than happy to go with you and meet this fine young man. I think I could talk to my Captain next shift and we could get a few Rochester Trucks there.

    And please keep the updated coming. As much as it breaks my heart, the spirit of Kaden should make us all feel a little bit better.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    It really brings joy to my heart to see your responses. I just didn’t want to bring anyone down. I’m taking the fire truck up to his house one of these days to go for a little joy ride. (SHHHHH, don’t tell the tax payers ) Thanks again IDO for the added support for my little buddy.

    F the tax payers That’s awesome Bob and he will love that

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