Another not so great update….

  • prieser
    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2274

    Kaden’s family just posted more news. Like his mom stated, all we can do is hope and pray for him. I know god must have an amazing chore for him up in heaven or he’d be a little more patient for all of us. I know there is never a good time, but hopefully it’s weeks (or months) after the holidays before Kaden succumbs to this wretched sickness. Love and prayers for you guys…..

    I regret that I can’t title this post “Finally…Good news!” We just returned from SMH. Kaden got out of the MRI around 4pm and since we missed our appointments with Dr. Laack and Dr. Khan they came directly to us in the recovery room. Although I have always tried to stay positive, today I was preparing myself for the worst. And well, we got the worst.

    The CT scan confirmed that there is a new tumor on T11, right where Kaden pointed when we asked him about pain. We are planning to radiate that tumor to relieve the pain. The planning session for that is 10:30 tomorrow.

    As far as the lungs and liver go, the cancer has progressed significantly. The lung tumors are larger and the 12 liver tumors have turned into “too many to count”. Kaden’s liver is quite enlarged as a result. Dr. Khan let Logan and I feel Kaden’s abdomen and it was pretty obvious even to us. This isn’t the news we wanted but it wasn’t a harsh blow, just a harsh reality check.

    Logan and I have said for the past week how good Kaden has been doing and that he isn’t showing signs of progression. When we said that to the doctors they said, “We can’t explain it….but we are talking about Kaden here.” So although Kaden’s body is riddled with even more cancer now, he is still defying something. He’s still hungry and able to eat a McDonalds cheeseburger after all of this and being under anesthesia!!!

    So where can I draw some positive strength from? From Kaden, of course. I am focused on Kaden feeling good in spite of the disease ravaging his little body. It must be the prayers and his supporting guardian angels that are carrying him through this. Modern medicine has obviously not worked for Kaden but the love and support of many must be because that’s really all we have left at this point.

    We have no time frame….I dislike time frames anyway!!! All we have to go on is Kaden and how he feels. It’s about comfort and pain control now. We will no longer be giving him the oral chemo because its apparent there has been no effect from it.

    It’s a sad day. We know we’re losing the fight against cancer. The hope is there, but diminished. As long as I focus on Kaden still being here, it’s bearable and I can squash the pain and hold back the tears. I’m sure that will change. Logan is doing okay too.

    Keep praying and keep sending Kaden healing light.

    se mn
    Posts: 123

    Prayers and thoughts sent.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13778

    I appreciate so much this being shared with us. Hard to describe the emotions and self reflection that I experience each time I read one of these. No words can really comfort them, and only God knows what Kaden is thinking.
    We all reach a boiling point where we blow up over petty stuff, and express our anger or frustrations in a overly dramatic manor. Moments like this make me tear up and really think about how dam stupid I can be to become outraged over dishes not washed or garbage not taken out.
    I can only imagine the hatred and anger I would feel if this is my child. I’ve shared these with my daughters and we all pray that he doesn’t suffer and God takes him by his side, and somehow provides peace for the family.
    (sorry, had to delete the rest, getting very emotional) We continue to have Kaden and his family in our prayers!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105

    My prayers to Kaden and all of you. Randy just mentioned frustration and anger….very easy feelings to have about a lot of things.

    I would venture a guess that we’ve all been asked what we hate. HATE is a strong word. I’ve worked in the medical world since 1973, most of it surgical. No mincing words here: I HATE CANCER ! ! ! I HATE IT ! ! ! !
    I have yet to see that cancer has ever done any good in this world as I (we) know it….

    Kaden, I like many here have never met you. But I know through the writings here that there is a lotta love for you and prayers for you and your family that has our Lord and Savior proud.

    Peace be with you son, Love You….

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