For the past 5 years, I’ve had a unique job situation. I live in and have had a remote office in northern MN – and had another office in St. Paul. This arrangement has allowed me and my family to continue to reside in God’s Country, although it has compelled me to be away from home 1 or 2 nights a week.
This fall, I applied for a different position that is situated right in the community we reside. Career wise, the position would create new challenges – but family-wise, it would be a HUGE deal. No more over-nights. I’d be home.
The uncertainty of whether or not I would get the position has weighed heavily on myself, my lovely wife (she is very lovely) and my 2 young boys. My youngest (age 9) has been asking me for the last few years if we could start running a trapline together. I trapped as a boy and he thinks it would be way, way cool to run a line with his ol’ man. The answer has always been no because of my work/travel situation.
A few weeks ago, he approached me asking when I’d know for sure if I was going to get this new job or not. “Yeah, I kinda need to know pretty soon so I’ll know if I can ask for trapping supplies for Christmas or not”, he explained.
The interviews took place last week and I was offered (and accepted) the job. To tell the boys, I picked up a brand new 1 1/2 coil spring and put it in a gift bag.
Told ’em I had a Christmas gift that couldn’t wait until Chistmas Day and gave it to them to open. The little guy was inthralled by the trap…preoccupied by how it worked, etc. Meanwhile, my 12 year-old looked at me with a sheepish smile, “you got the job”, he whispered. It then set in with my younger boy.
Happy times on our end. Just thought I’d share.