Sounds like this is coming to a head quickly

  • prieser
    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    The bad news is really starting to pile up on little Kaden. What started out as we’re going to get this, quickly went to months and now might be weeks….This SH*T just sucks. Please continue to keep Kaden and his family in your hearts and prayers.

    Kaden came back from the MRI around 2pm. He had a really bad headache when he came back to the room but we got it under control with the morphine. We just spoke with Dr. Khan and she showed us the MRI image which showed a tumor just below his right eye. It is about an inch big. There are also potentially a few spots in his frontal bone (forehead). Logan and I were prepared for this so it is just an affirmation that this is one extremely aggressive form of bone cancer. We are consulting radiation oncology to see if radiation would help alleviate some of the pain. We will hear from them shortly. We will be headed home tonight and hospice will be coming to meet with us tomorrow.

    We must have felt something in our beings that we were going to get bad news today because I have already called the funeral home and pretty much have all of the information we need to plan for the near future. We will prepare to have a few more weeks with Kaden and anything beyond that will be a blessing.

    Posts: 28

    Your family is in my prayers.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    I’m humbled again. I pray for him and his family including his extended family(friends). Its easy to take moments for granted when you have healthy children and petty crap can really irritate us when in reality it doesn’t really matter. Sharing Kaden’s life with us is a blessing to all of us. Emotionally, its so tough and I can not imagine what that child may be thinking as he hears the doctors talk. His story has touched many of us and reminds us just how precious life is.
    Prayers sent!

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    It’s so easy to get caught up in “our” immediate lives, as it should be. Believe me, there is nothing wrong with that either.

    Kaden and his family have been so, so strong in all of this (even at this point) they astound me. As a close friend of the family, I am so happy to share with them all the comments and help that this site has provided them. They are awestruck that complete strangers would go to these extents to do anything for them. Your continued support and prayers for them are more than they are expecting and believe me, it has not gone unnoticed. Thanks IDO

    Posts: 543

    Sorry to hear the news. We are thinking of you guys.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104


    Sorry to hear the news. We are thinking of you guys.

    x 2 ….God be your comfort and peace.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    It tears me up to read these posts. I cannot imagine the pain this family is going through. I have been and will continue to pray for them.

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