Map of WMA’s

  • troyrozeske
    Posts: 28

    Does anyone know if you can purchase a book of all of the WMA’s in MN, or by Region? The DNR Site is nice if you are looking for a particular one, but I want to be able to find all of them. Thank you.

    Posts: 162

    You can buy a MN gazetteer that will have all public hunting, hikeing, snomobiling, recreation areas on it. I love mine!

    Posts: 28

    Awesome!!! Thank you. where do I get that?

    Posts: 162

    You can check Fleet Farm, Gander, Cabelas. One if not all should have it.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Google “MN Recreation Compass.” You can zoom in to any part of the state and see all the WMAs, AMAs, WIAs, etc.

    Posts: 78

    Sportsmans connection makes an atlas that has exactly what you are looking for.

    I use this thing all the time! I even pencil in any new land I stumble across, and my private spots I have permission to go on. Since it is used for strictly hunting, I often find myself putting in notes for each WMA.

    Cover, Food, Water, Thickets, Shelterbelts, Nesting grass. If I see a bunch of birds I will note that as well and how many I got.

    I use a pencil so I can change anything if needed.

    Gander, Cabelas, FF will have these.

    Looks like this image below.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    I use the Sportsmans Connection maps also. Minnesota is broken down into 3 regions. I worked for Sportsmans Connection when they developed the atlases 4 years ago. I’m not sure if they have been updated, but I also pencil in new areas when I find them.

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