Sunday pioneer press sports section

  • Bullcan
    Posts: 68

    So tell me I’m wrong! I was reading the sport section the girl hunting in waterwater in southern minnesota. I hunt down here and I know that there is a 4 point on ONE side antler restriction. Well she shot a 6 point buck well thats not 4 on one side. So Im I wrong or what.

    Posts: 324

    That’s if they are over age either 16 or 18 I believe. I could be wrong but I think I have seen that some place. So if she was under the age limit she may have taken a 6 pointer

    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312

    What if it had 4 on one side and 2 0n the other?

    Posts: 68

    Got an email form the mn dnr. They said the law is-anyone under 17 the rules of the 4 point doesnt apply. wonderful

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    Got an email form the mn dnr. They said the law is-anyone under 17 the rules of the 4 point doesnt apply. wonderful

    God forbid they try to get youngsters interested in the sport.

    Seems like a nice idea to give new hunters a better chance at success.

    Good hour from whitewater
    Posts: 468

    Have an 18 year old son that now for the first time has to abide by the new rules regarding APR and it is a challenge for him seeing all the little bucks this week. Eventually he will understand the benefit of it all I hope.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470


    Have an 18 year old son that now for the first time has to abide by the new rules regarding APR and it is a challenge for him seeing all the little bucks this week. Eventually he will understand the benefit of it all I hope.

    What a good lesson for your son. Just a small lesson in how as you get older life at time gets harder and restraint is some times the best way to deal with those times.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Yes the buck only has to have 4 points on one side so it could have 1, 2, or 3 points on one side or nothing at all. We have a buck on our farm that only has one side the other side is gone so he only has 4 points on one side we call him half rack and he is a leagle buck to shoot.

    From Page 77 of the 2012 Hunting and Trapping Regulations Handbook……..

    ONLY (338 – 349)
    Antler Point Restriction
    • A buck must have at least one 4-point antler in order to be legally harvested. Bucks with less than one 4-point antler are not legal to harvest. Refer to page 83 for examples of a legal buck.
    • The regulation is in effect during the archery, 3A, 3B, and muzzleloader seasons.
    • Adult hunters cannot tag a buck for a youth hunter.
    • Youth hunters aged 10-17 are exempted from this regulation. They do not have to comply and can take any antlered buck.
    The antler point restriction will protect approximately 75% of the yearling buck population and very few of the 2.5 year old and older age classes. Given so many yearling bucks will be protected, there should be an increase of mature bucks in the population. Also, there should be a slight increase in the number of antlerless deer taken because some hunters will choose to harvest a doe (or fawn) instead. This is the final year of a planned 3-year implementation. After this fall, the regulations will be re-assessed using surveys and public meetings.

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