Taking a kid to the woods for the first time

  • drcarplove
    United States
    Posts: 7

    When I took my 12 year old son, Cole out to the woods where we hunt deer, as we were walking from the truck to the edge of the woods, he asked, “Are we going to see any deer today?” He had heard enough talk from me & his uncles & grampa to realize how exciting hunting deer could be. As I turned to respond, I noticed a nice 8 point buck running past the truck towards us. “There’s one right there.” I said as he turned around. We watched the deer run in a line towards us, as we stood on the edge of the hayfield.The buck then angled away when it caught our scent, all without breaking stride. It was kind of like the Lord was saying, “It’s only Ed, we might as well show Cole what a buck looks like!”

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13912

    Very cool. A kids first few times out can make such a huge impression on them and if they continue a life in the great outdoors. Thanks for sharing!!

    Posts: 731

    Of course now the challenge is convincing Cole that it doesn’t always work like that.

    Or at least it doesn’t always work like that for me.


    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081


    Very cool. A kids first few times out can make such a huge impression on them and if they continue a life in the great outdoors. Thanks for sharing!!

    X2 I know I still have a ton of memories from before I could hunt, all still seem like a picture in my mind.

    United States
    Posts: 7

    Tough to convince him when his first opener found a couple of does a bit too far up the trail, and then later, when he turned to see what the noise behind him was (it was only gramps) he had a nice doe jump right beside him over a log. When I asked him why he didn’t shoot it, he said “the neighbors house is right behind where she went, so I couldn’t.” Smarter than the average hunter! But, he got the thrill of being that close….

    Posts: 2

    Can I take him deer hunting with me? As long as when he asks the question, we see a buck.

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