Good One for Discussion

  • Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    Again…….simply awesome!! I stood up and cheered when the first one was netted

    Bob,when switching from the lifelikes to the top raider do you change up rods? If so,what do you like for stix?


    I have been working these Lifelike’s with a 7 10″ GLoomis fast action/ ex-heavy- this is my go to stick for all big plastics.

    The Top Dancer I was working with a 7 9″ GLoomis Mod-Fast/ Med-light. The tip is softer on this rod and I really like the action it gives to the topwater baits, with plenty “O” backbone to drive the hooks home

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    My buddy was packing his truck last Thu morning around (0530)before driving to my house for our hunting trip. He had his C&C weapon on his hip and nothing over it yet while shuttling gear from house to truck in the driveway. He lives in an isolated city neighborhood. One of Woodbury’s finest (the police force that shoots hostages) just happens to drive by and seen his gun. The cop demands that my friend disarm AFTER seeing his permit. Said cop then unloads the gun and places on the hood. After that he demanded that my friend hand over every cased weapon he had just placed into his truck. Then he checked all the serial numbers by calling them in. If it happend to me I would have refused to show him the long guns. When it comes to C&C must you disarm just because cop says so? Even if they have seen your permit? Can said cop demand to search your other caseed weapons with out a search warrant or probable cause? I dont think so. I suggested he file a complaint with the city. What does the hive say?

    Posts: 85

    I’d have no problem doing what the officer asked. I would be glad that he was using due diligence to keep my neighborhood safe. He has no idea what anyone’s intent is. I believe he acted in a lawful and prudent way. I could ask my brother…he’s a cop.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    One of Woodbury’s finest (the police force that shoots hostages) just happens to drive by and seen his gun.

    How in the heck did the cop see a holstered gun in the dark?

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Personaly I would have told him to get fuc5ed and get off my drive way. If he had a problem with that he can send over his boss. Sounds completely outragous and is a total invasion of rights, his taillights would not have been out of site and I wouldhave been on the phone. Nothing worce than a cop who thinks he is a bad [censored], its like fat chicks who think they are hot… figure it out!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844



    One of Woodbury’s finest (the police force that shoots hostages) just happens to drive by and seen his gun.

    How in the heck did the cop see a holstered gun in the dark?

    He didnt yet have his long shirt on that would have covered it.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    He didnt yet have his long shirt on that would have covered it.

    Yeah, but at 0530, it is quite dark. Weird.

    Posts: 85

    Did he come across like a dick? Was he throwing his weight around? I don’t see the problem. Doesn’t seem like a huge inconvenience to me. But, I don’t feel jaded towards officers. Now, if he came back and did it again, I’d have a complaint. I figure if I have nothing to hide, ask all the questions you want. Hopefully, the next time I get pulled over for speeding, its the same guy. Maybe he’d let me off…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844


    Did he come across like a dick? Was he throwing his weight around? I don’t see the problem. Doesn’t seem like a huge inconvenience to me. But, I don’t feel jaded towards officers. Now, if he came back and did it again, I’d have a complaint. I figure if I have nothing to hide, ask all the questions you want. Hopefully, the next time I get pulled over for speeding, its the same guy. Maybe he’d let me off…

    I think its a huge deal for an official to come onto my property and demand to search something. Very nazi’ish and unAmerican. Huge violaton of rights. If your good with it then fine. No harm done. But if not you have the right to tell the cop no. BTW the cop was a dic about it.

    Also made my friend 20 min late to my house and that aint good.

    Posts: 1009

    So the cop sees the gun.. Him coming over and asking to see a permit and asking to unarm you is just fine and sounds like good practice..

    after seeing the permit and identification the cop should have been on his way.. everything beyond that is just another power hungry jack

    Posts: 731

    OK, so the key piece of info here is this: Is it legal in MN for a CC permit holder to carry a UNCONCEALED weapon?

    Everything about who’s right and wrong depends on that.

    IMO, getting mouthy to cops is going to go badly for only one person: You.

    You’ll get far more traction and far more action by taking it to official channels. Especially in Woodbury these days, where it seems there are a few issues with the police.


    Posts: 309

    COps are power hungry [censored] bottom line one of my best friends turned in to a cop after high school. And now biggest dick u ever met. Another guy I know same thing coolest guy ever now a cop to good for everbody. Must be a suck life. The only cool cop I met was the one we had in are highschool. After he seen that permit he should have tucked tail a got off the property.

    steve k
    buffalo co. wi.
    Posts: 219

    i mostly agree with all replies but then we wouldn;t think the same if it was some one that just stolen all them guns??

    Posts: 85


    COps are power hungry [censored] bottom line one of my best friends turned in to a cop after high school. And now biggest dick u ever met. Another guy I know same thing coolest guy ever now a cop to good for everbody. Must be a suck life. The only cool cop I met was the one we had in are highschool. After he seen that permit he should have tucked tail a got off the property.

    I wonder if there is a difference between states, cities, etc. I’ve worked with lots of officers in WI in schools, universities, foundations, chili cook-offs, etc. I must just find the nice ones.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4066

    I’m not sure of the CC laws in MN either, but if the law states that it needs to be concealed then he was in the wrong.

    I can’t believe all of the anti-law enforcement sentiment on here. The only bad exchanges I’ve had with an officer is when I was in the wrong or it could have easily been suspected that I was breaking the law. Its a very hard job and I one that I would never do.

    Posts: 731


    I’m not sure of the CC laws in MN either, but if the law states that it needs to be concealed then he was in the wrong.

    Totally agree, that’s the key info that’s missing here. Who was right and who was wrong all hinges on that little fact.

    BTW, I’m not defending Cops Behaving Badly. In fact, I myself, have done some calling to complain about what I felt was over-aggressive and illegal law enforcement activities by the water patrols on the St. Croix River.

    However, what’s key here is what the law says.


    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 94

    As I understand it, Minnesota offers a permit to carry, not a Conceal and Carry.

    “21. If I have a permit to carry a pistol, do I have to conceal the pistol?
    No. MN Personal Protection Act is a permit to carry law, not a conceal and carry law. The pistol does not need to be concealed, but may be concealed.”

    Carrying a sidearm while on your own property or while legally hunting, does not require this permit. There are a few other scenarios that are exempt as well.

    As the story was told, it doesn’t sound like the officer had probable cause or reasonable suspicion that an offense had or was about to occur, negating his reason to step onto the property to begin with. If there was probable cause, he didn’t need a permit to carry anyway, because he’s on his own property.

    “7. When is a permit to carry not required?

    To keep or carry about the person’s place of business*, dwelling house, premises, or land possessed by the person.
    To carry a pistol from a place of purchase to the person’s dwelling house or place of business*, or from the person’s dwelling house or place of business* to or from a place where repairing is done, to have the pistol repaired.
    To carry a pistol between the person’s dwelling house and place of business*.
    To carry a pistol in the woods or fields or upon the waters of this state for the purpose of hunting or of target shooting in a safe area.
    To transport a pistol in a motor vehicle, snowmobile or boat if the pistol is unloaded, contained in a closed and fastened case, gunbox, or securely tied package.

    *Case law states that a person must have an interest in the place of business, not merely an employee.”


    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    Not sure about Mn, but in Wi you can open carry most anywhere accept for Police Depts., Court House, Schools, Ect.

    To stop and ask the carrier a few questions would be fine, but he would have no right to hold/detain the subject. Once he found that there wa a permit, and the subject lived there it would be done. Would look bad if the officer saw this, did nothing, and the guy was robbing the place/ or worse killed the owner. With nothing to hide, I would show my permit. When asked to see the other firearms the answer would be no thanks headed on a hunting trip. Usually if you act with common sense and respect, you will be treated that way. Usually….


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Tres nailed it. In Mn open carry is permitted by law.

    And you dont need a permit to carry on your property.

    Can you imagine having the police treat you like a criminal and search your property while you were innocently loading the truck for your hunting trip? It could happen to any of us and I for one want to be perfectly clear on my options before they call the swat team and ruin my whole day because of one AH cop.I think too many people give the cops too much credit when it comes to handling firearms. All of them arent better at handling firearms than all of us. No way. At this stage of my life I would be surpised if any young cop had the skill and respect I have for safely carrying and handling firearms.

    I believe this is a major-metro issue only. Cops up north and in all small towns arent freaking out when they see a gun in the right context. Hell, the state of MN recently passed a law that you dont even have to have your guns cased when hunting. I never really understood that one until last weekend when it was so easy to just lay my unloaded shotgun on the seat while running/gunning from one spot to another all day long.

    Posts: 309

    COrrect me if im wrong but I dont even think u have to case a gun in the state of mn if your not in a town with a greater population of like 2500. Now I could be wrong does anybody know if their is any truth to that?

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I see why he stopped. I see why he checked the permit on the holstered gun. After verifying that your friend was the homeowner, I don’t see why he had any reason to check the rest of his gear. I can see if you were loading up your friend’s gear at his house–maybe you were stealing them–but I may have gotten a little frustrated at that point.

    I have tons of respect for LEOs, but why hassle a guy who is doing nothing wrong on his own property, obviously headed out on a hunting trip?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 94

    If your buddy is interested in pursuing litigation, have him chat with an attorney about illegal search and seizure…

    Having said that, I don’t advocate pissing off law enforcement peeps or being disrespectful in any way. We live under the rule of law in the US and need to remember that.

    However, the Bill of Rights are there to protect us in the event one of our ‘law enforcement employees’ thinks he/she’s a prosecutor, judge and jury.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844


    COrrect me if im wrong but I dont even think u have to case a gun in the state of mn if your not in a town with a greater population of like 2500. Now I could be wrong does anybody know if their is any truth to that?

    Under the following circumstances, a person may transport
    unloaded, uncased firearms (excluding pistols) in a motor vehicle, including ATVs:
    • while at a shooting range with permission
    • while lawfully hunting on private or public land or while travelling to or from a site the person intends to hunt or trap or has lawfully hunted that day.
    Firearms must be transported unloaded and cased:
    • within Anoka, Hennepin, or Ramsey counties.
    • within the boundaries of a home rule, charter, or statutory city with a population of 2,500 or more.

    Posts: 539

    If this story is factual than it needs to be filed and brought to the attention of his superiors.

    The OP’s story that I read sounds like this cop needs to be put in his place.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844


    If this story is factual than it needs to be filed and brought to the attention of his superiors.

    The OP’s story that I read sounds like this cop needs to be put in his place.

    100% factual. Hell, I wanted to call it in but not my place. I suggested he report it the moment he told me.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Is your buddy going to press this at all? I would, but I understand not everyone wants the headache.

    Posts: 731

    Given the fact that it appears not to be illegal to carry an unconcealed weapon, I would hope your friend files an official complaint.

    It seems especially in the metro area, we need some remedial education for law enforcement on what DOES NOT constitute probable cause for detaining and searching.

    I hope your friend persues it. Woodbury Police need, at this point especially, to be bending over backward to maintain the trust of the community. Having officers out there who do not know the law and who obviously don’t understand the basics of probable cause is only going to cause issues in the long term. It would be in their best interest to address this lack of training now.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    I hope he does too and I will check but he may be apprehensive since he works for the city.

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