July 30, 2012 at 9:32 pm
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Lets start the knee jerk reaction eh?
July 31, 2012 at 12:53 am #121661
This is on my radar, but I will hardly base my votes on 1 issue… especially the one’s that get drudged up every election… 4 years ago I was suppose to be turning my guns in
I actually bought a couple more and took the CC class
August 2, 2012 at 12:52 pm #121760Quote:
This is on my radar, but I will hardly base my votes on 1 issue… especially the one’s that get drudged up every election… 4 years ago I was suppose to be turning my guns in
I actually bought a couple more and took the CC class
Really G ? Think about it all the guns you have but they are going to tell you how much ammo you can buy. I think I smell something rotten. They havent figured out a way to take your guns away yet,so the next best angle would to be restrict ammo. My point here is think about it and look at the big picture. Do you really want the government telling you how much ammo you can buy ? That would be like saying you can only buy x amount of gasoline per year. Do you think that would set very well with american people
August 2, 2012 at 5:28 pm #121767I have thought about it… if someone is ordering 1000’s of rounds on-line for an assault rifle, I would hope somebody cared who was getting it ??? I must be reading something differently, this will not affect me one bit, as I buy my ammo in person and typically not more than 50 or 100 rifle rounds at one time. I am all for any legislation, that makes it harder/impossible for a nutjob to buy thousands of rounds, to use in a random killing spree. I copied the 4 points of the legislation, (we all know legislation is written way to one side and ends up somewhere closer to the middle, which is common sense) maybe the knee jerk reaction is really happening but not the way we think…
It requires anyone selling ammunition to be a licensed dealer.
It requires ammunition buyers who are not licensed dealers to present photo identification at the time of purchase, effectively banning the online or mail order purchase of ammo by regular civilians.
It requires licensed ammunition dealers to maintain records of the sale of ammunition.
It requires licensed ammunition dealers to report the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to an unlicensed person within any five consecutive business days.
Just like congress and the senate, most people are so unable to compromise and use common sense approaches to society issues, that stuff like this will continue to happen, because “I don’t want the gov’t telling me I can’t buy 1 million rounds of ammo from some guy on-line or on the street corner”…
Why do people want to look for stuff that isn’t even there (BIG PICTURE) let’s deal with the real issues and forget about what party you support and think for ourselves. Is it really going to kill you to not be able to buy 1000 rounds of ammo on-line ??? (I was a member of the NRA years ago…never again…as they are not in line with my common sense beliefs)
August 2, 2012 at 6:03 pm #121771I’m against any more big government telling me how to live my life. That said, I believe we need laws and rules as a society, even though our laws are directed at 5% of population who don’t care if they break them. They certainly help keep us in check. So it’s not like I’m a complete anti-government nut job. I do hope this legislation is re-written if it somehow how finds a way to pass.
Some questions as the law is written today:
Does this mean it’s illegal for me to sell any ammunition I have for a gun I no longer own? Example, sell my .380 handgun. Now what do I do with the ammunition? Give it away?
Are we going to ban online sales of all the materials used in your typical bomb making 101 kit? Cripes tannerite is available over the internet. This is just silly over reaction in my opinion.
Great, so the government can’t track what guns I own, but they can track the bullets I do. Again, silly overreaction. By the way, we don’t have to show ID to vote in this country so why should we show it to buy bullets?
Why a 1000 rounds? Why not 100? Why not 10,000. Wouldn’t the quantity I consider excessive to very different than the next guy? Heck I know a guy with 20,000+ rounds of 22 bullets. Do I think that is excessive, probably. He doesn’t and continues to buy more as they go on sale. He also happens to shoot a lot of them.
I think we can all agree, this is a knee jerk reaction to a very sad tragedy that no matter what our government does will continue to happen. Whether it be with guns, knives or explosives. Freaks are freaks and will find a way to hurt people if they really want to.
And for the record G, you are WRONG!
When we gonna go shoot at Dennis’s place?
August 2, 2012 at 7:20 pm #121781I can shoot whenever, unless the gov’t comes and takes my arrows
Your point about 1000 rounds, 100, 10,000 is exactly what I am talking about… with a little(and I mean very little) common sense, there is a number that “makes sense” to MOST people.. is it 1000 for me ? He77 yes… is it 1000 for the guy who owns 8 assault rifles and shoots off 500 rounds in a single afternoon, he77 no. I am sure there are people who would love to shoot off grenade launchers all weekend (it is fun) but common sense would dictate, we have to police ourselves a little better than that. Again, if you base your votes on 1 scare tactics issue, (that 1 party drums up every 4 years)
that is your perogative.
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073August 2, 2012 at 8:58 pm #121787Thats right, we have to be carefull and keep those who abide by the constitution out of office!
August 2, 2012 at 9:58 pm #121788Quote:
Thats right, we have to be carefull and keep those who abide by the constitution out of office!
This is the exact blind following that has corrupted this country beyond belief. To think that a Dem, Ind or Rep are in office and not abiding by the constitution, one must not know how our democratic society actually works. Fear monging is not attractive at all…
Why go through life so paranoid ???
Do people really go through the one life they have, thinking these things ???
Yeah, keep it on your radar, but will being able to buy 1000 rounds of ammo on-line “secretly” really define your vote over other issues ???
August 3, 2012 at 12:13 am #121790I still disagree Big G who is to say that someone likes to spend the weekend rattling of a 1000 rnds of .233 ammo from there m-16 and likes to get a better price online. It is not unrealitic to shoot up 1000 or more rnds in a day. And if this nut job wanted a 1000 rnds for like the Colorado deal.They can find ammo illegally or through the black market so to each his own. And i support the NRA 110 % If you want to register and have all your ammo invatoried (sp) and want someone to tell you thats all you get now,thats your business and I hope it helps you sleep better at night. But that is not how America in my opinion is suppose to roll. Because that is not freedom or liberty.
August 3, 2012 at 2:36 am #121794And how you got to all that from the article, is what I don’t understand ? I understand, it is fun to shoot semi-auto rifles, I shot the M16 FULL AUTO in basic and it was a blast
I realize criminals will always get their ammo and will always ignore laws, but just because they will, doesn’t mean they don’t hinder and help the cause. Why do we have speed limits, some will always break the rules and speed anyways ???
One knee jerk reaction, should not warrant another, that is all I am saying.
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073August 3, 2012 at 12:53 pm #121800Lets see if I got this right. When sworn in, elected officials take an oath to uphold the constitution. I make my decision on who will uphold their oath. I did not refer to one party or the other. Since I believe that they should live up to my expectation of honoring their oath, that makes me paranoid huh?
Whats paranoid is someone wanting government to control every aspect of their life.
So bring on your assault. I was hammered on other kneejerk issues also. Like the U.N. gun ban, fast and furious, the TSA and the patriot act.
You want to give up your freedom because you think big brother is going to protect you? Good luck.August 3, 2012 at 1:10 pm #121801Nothing will wreck a party quicker than politics or religion. Let’s go hunting
August 3, 2012 at 1:22 pm #121802Quote:
Nothing will wreck a party quicker than politics or religion. Let’s go hunting
And Big G!
August 3, 2012 at 4:09 pm #121804Quote:
I did not refer to one party or the other. Since I believe that they should live up to my expectation of honoring their oath, that makes me paranoid huh?
Whats paranoid is someone wanting government to control every aspect of their life.
This is perfect examples of knee jerk, paranoid, anti-govt’, party lines thinking, I was talking of….Show me where I referenced 1 party ?? I referenced all 3 ??
And you got me wanting gov’t to control every aspect of my life from this ???
Thanks for helping make my point…
August 3, 2012 at 5:06 pm #121806Yeh ! Very well said Don, thats the point I was trying to make only I tend to ramble on.And Big G is constantly defending a statement he put out there and now I’m not sure what his point is
August 3, 2012 at 7:07 pm #121811point is, 1 knee jerk reaction, does not warrant another. My point is, if you vote along party lines, because some politician proposes legislation, that has been attempted NUMEROUS times and that get’s drummed up every 4 years… well I guess it is your vote to cast. I just think it’s time people in this country woke up to independent thinking, politicians included, instead of only thinking along party lines, that all the evil DEMOCRATS want to take your bullets and your tax money… and all REPUBLICANS want to stick it to the poor, let the less fortunate suffer and ship all jobs overseas…
I remember plenty of posts, warning 4 years ago of gov’t taking our guns, or bullets and our paychecks. In fact I was challenged to take a pay stub from George W’s time and compare it a year later under the new president… I did exactly this and I actually got to keep more of my money under the current president ???
I did not vote for the man and also knew as the NRA said, that he wasn’t coming to get my guns
August 3, 2012 at 9:50 pm #121813I recently saw a report that stated that Obama is actually using the UN to backdoor us into a gun ban. If you think that this ammo issue is no big deal, you really need to look at the big picture here. It’s a chipping away process of our rights. Best way to oppress a nation is to make them defenseless.
August 5, 2012 at 11:35 pm #121817Quote:
I recently saw a report that stated that Obama is actually using the UN to backdoor us into a gun ban. If you think that this ammo issue is no big deal, you really need to look at the big picture here. It’s a chipping away process of our rights. Best way to oppress a nation is to make them defenseless.
And yes, as you know, America is full of people who will not revolt or stand up for our rights
I welcome your unbiased article to be linked here… I will wait for it
Again, one knee jerk reaction should not warrant another. As I “orginally posted” keep it on your radar, (nowhere do I say it is no big deal ?
don’t know where you got that, must be sensationalism
)but also, make note of it and see if one party doesn’t get it drummed up in 2016 again, to whip the followers into a frenzy, no matter who is elected this fall
August 7, 2012 at 1:07 am #121850Fact Check on the UN “backdoor” gun ban…
Despite widespread claims like this one, we’ve seen little or no evidence that the Obama administration is doing much to regulate guns or gun ownership. As a candidate Obama did say that he favored reinstating the “assault weapons ban” and closing the “gun show loophole” (which allows some gun buyers to avoid background checks), while the NRA stirred the fears of gun rights advocates. But he also said he believes the Second Amendment creates an individual right to bear arms, and that he would “protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport, and use guns.”
Furthermore, since taking office, Obama has not pushed any of his promised gun control measures. Asked about assault weapons at a press conference with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in the spring, he said:
Obama, April 16: I think none of us are under any illusion that reinstating that ban would be easy. And so, what we’ve focused on is how we can improve our enforcement of existing laws. …
The only piece of gun legislation he has signed has been an expansion, not a contraction, of gun owners’ rights: In May, the president signed credit card legislation that included a provision allowing loaded and concealed weapons in national parks.
That hasn’t stopped gun rights advocates from believing that Obama is going to implement sweeping anti-firearms policies. Just since he’s been in office, we’ve been asked if Obama was raising the tax on ammunition by 500 percent (no), if he was dropping the program that allows commercial pilots to carry guns (no), if the “Obama regime” was going to require a federal license to own a handgun (no, again), and whether he was behind a move to tax guns and require owners to report their weapons on their federal income tax forms for 2009 (no – that bill died before Obama was even a U.S. senator).
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073August 8, 2012 at 12:24 pm #121910The first thing to do is check out factcheck. interesting to find out who their supporters are and who sat on their board.
Think you are getting an unbiased opinion?August 9, 2012 at 1:29 am #121936Can you argue any of their facts/points ???
I know Limbaugh isn’t behind it…
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073August 10, 2012 at 8:26 pm #121996I can argue all their facts and points!
I don’t know, does Limbaugh mention them? I don’t listen to his show. But if I did, so what!
My point being that- you raised concern about people basing their election choice on one issue. Yet you list the opinions of one biased website as fact.
Anybody introducing anti gun legislation?
Well lets start with these- S.176
H.R. 227
H.R. 612August 11, 2012 at 11:51 am #122004And this is the 1st time gun control legislation has been introduced
Base your vote on one issue, go ahead, that’s your knee jerk right
FACTCHECK is non-partisan… they even point out misrepresentations on the other side
You might want to read a little FACTS first Who are they ? (who is on their board that scares you ?) I trust their information, more than somethings on here, as proven by factcheck
Don Hanson
Posts: 2073August 12, 2012 at 3:10 pm #122013Your argument is getting weak. You forgot to call me paranoid this time.
Why do you keep bringing up “base your vote on one issue”?
I will tell you what I base my votes on. Whoever bases their platform on FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE! A good starting point is where they stand on the 2nd and what SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED means. If they are anti 1st, 4th. 5th, whatever- thats all going to have an impact on my vote.
I am not scared of factcheck, I just don’t base my opinion on the statements of one website. If thats what you do, fine.
No, its not the first time anti gun legislation has come up. You said in your first post, the issue comes up every for years. I beg to differ. I have sent more letters and made more phone calls this year, than I ever have. Yea thats right, I contact the lawmakers before they vote on a bill. I guess thats kneejerk.
Listen, I am a guardian of the Republic. I protect the inalienable rights of all Americans. No one, not even the government is going to infringe on these rights-Not ON MY WATCH!August 12, 2012 at 5:25 pm #122016Quote:
Your argument is getting weak. You forgot to call me paranoid this time.
Why do you keep bringing up “base your vote on one issue”?
Anybody who thinks a president can “take your bullets and your guns” is paranoid. It takes much more than that and ultimately, if you would hand them over, because some politician said so, then you won’t be part of the revolution I would be part of, sounds like were worlds apart…I would fight for my rights harder than handing them over
I keep bringing up “one issue” consistently, since the 2nd post was made
from there, the knees really started jerking by reading parts of what I said and picking it apart and throwing out baseless recycled articles…
Just keepin’ it real in here
August 13, 2012 at 2:49 pm #122042G- This president can do whatever he wants, noone is stopping him. Granted, I dont think this IS something he would do himself, thus the UN end around play.
August 13, 2012 at 7:29 pm #122058G – I understand your position…. I too, get tired of the redundancy but I think it partially lies in the results of those that fight back, sometimes ferociously, in our interest as well as theirs. There are those that could care less about how responsible any of us are and use their own fears to embrace any measure of eradication they can accomplish. They are the ones that keep fighting their fight and everytime they lose, they just pick a new fight…. and these issues keep coming up over and over.
In today’s world, there’s many a “fact of life” now that sounded totally unrealistic and absurd…. even 20 years ago….. but these things somehow got a foothold and are now in the door of our lives.
With all this said, I think if something were to “push come to shove”….. you’d be right there with the rest of us, committed to exercising our 2nd amendment rights. I appreciate Don for all he does because his efforts are for my benefit as well as his, and it’s where his passions lie. I don’t have the time to be so involved….. so honestly, I need someone like Don out there to fight the good fight and keep me posted on things. And when he needs me for rallying support, he knows I’ll picket or vote or contact a legislator.
Anyway, just tryin’ to say that I see both sides and that I believe that if and when lines must be drawn to possess or forfeit, we’ll be on the same side. Have a good day guys!
August 13, 2012 at 9:43 pm #122068I understand you completely and believe you understand my thoughts. While I and the NRA may share many of the same views/beliefs, I can totally disagree with their tactics at the same time.
Like I said, it is on my radar at all times.
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