Wolf Hunt

  • bennyj
    sunrise mn
    Posts: 542

    FYI… I do not think any of this is set in stone but I thought i would just pass it along.

    DNR outlines wolf season details, seeks public comment

    Minnesota’s first regulated wolf hunting and trapping season will be conducted this fall and winter. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking public comment on details of the proposed season.

    Consistent with state law, the state’s first regulated wolf season will start with the beginning of firearms deer hunting on Saturday, Nov. 3.

    The DNR is proposing to split the season into two parts: an early wolf hunting season coinciding with firearms deer hunting; and a late wolf hunting and trapping season after the firearms deer season for those with a specific interest in wolf hunting and trapping.

    A total of 6,000 licenses will be offered, with 3,600 available in the early season and 2,400 in the late season. Late season licenses will be further split between hunting and trapping, with a minimum of 600 reserved for trappers. The target harvest quota will be 400 wolves for both seasons combined, and will initially be allocated equally between the early and the late seasons.

    The early hunting only season will be open only in the northern portions of Minnesota where rifles are allowed for deer hunting. It will start on Saturday, Nov. 3, the opening day of firearms deer hunting. It will close either at the end of the respective firearms seasons in the two northern deer zones (Nov. 18 in Zone 1 or Nov. 11 in Zone 2), or when a registered target harvest quota of 200 is reached, whichever comes sooner.

    The late hunting and trapping season will begin Saturday, Nov. 24. It will close Jan. 6, 2013, or when a registered total target harvest quota of 400 in both seasons combined is reached, whichever comes sooner. The late season will be open statewide.

    “The DNR is taking a very conservative approach to this first season,” said Steve Merchant, DNR wildlife populations program manager.

    Total proposed licenses and target harvest quotas are consistent with DNR testimony during the Legislative session, Merchant said. While Minnesota’s wolf population of approximately 3,000 animals likely could sustain a much higher harvest rate, this first season is designed to provide information on wolf hunting and trapping interest and success rates that will help inform the design and implementation of future seasons, Merchant said. The proposed season is consistent with the goal of the state’s wolf management plan to assure the long term survival of the wolf and address conflicts between wolves and humans.

    The DNR is also continuing to consult with tribal governments and tribal resource agency staff on the proposed state wolf season.

    Wolves were returned to state management in January 2012 when they were delisted from the federal Endangered Species Act. Prior to their complete protection under federal law in 1974, wolves were unprotected under state law and DNR had no wolf management authority. This proposal marks the first regulated harvest season for wolves in state history.

    Wolf numbers and their distribution have remained relatively stable for the past 10 years and have been well above the federal wolf recovery population goal since the late 1990s.

    Merchant said wildlife experts took into account wolf damage control mortality when setting the harvest number. Typically, about 80 farms have verified wolf depredation complaints each year. Over the past several years, an average of 170 wolves have been captured or killed each year by federal trappers in response to verified livestock depredation. About 70 wolves have been trapped and killed so far this spring following verified livestock damage complaints, primarily on calves.

    Wolf hunting licenses will be $30 for residents and $250 for nonresidents. Nonresidents will be limited to 5 percent of total hunting licenses. Wolf trapping licenses will be $30 (limited to residents only). A lottery will be held to select license recipients. Proof of a current or previous hunting license will be required to apply for a wolf license. The application fee will be $4.

    The DNR is required by law to take public comment prior to implementing a wolf season. While decisions about whether to have a wolf season and when to start it have already been made through the lawmaking process, the DNR is seeking public comments on remaining details, many of which are outlined in this announcement. The complete proposal is available on the DNR website at http://www.mndnr.gov/wolves. Given how soon the season must be put in place, the DNR will only take comments through an online survey, also at http://www.mndnr.gov/wolves through June 20.

    Specific details of the wolf season proposal include:

    Season Structure

    The early wolf hunting season (legal firearms or archery) will be concurrent with the deer season and open only in that portion of the state where rifles can be used to hunt deer.
    The early season dates are Nov. 3-18 in Zone 1 (Series 100 deer permit areas – northeastern and east-central Minnesota) and Nov. 3-11 in the rifle zone portion of Zone 2 (Series 200 deer permit areas – central and northwestern Minnesota). The early season will close before those dates if the target harvest quota of 200 is reached sooner.
    No trapping will be allowed in the early season.
    The late hunting and trapping season will open Nov. 24 statewide. It will close Jan. 6 or when the total target harvest quota of 400 is met, whichever is sooner.
    Licensed wolf hunters will be responsible for checking each day to assure that the season is still open.
    The bag limit is one wolf per licensee.


    A person cannot purchase both a hunting and a trapping license. A person with a hunting license may take a wolf only by firearms or archery; a person with a trapping license may take a wolf only by trap or snare.
    3,600 licenses will be available for the early season and are only valid for the early season.
    2,400 licenses will be available for the late season (at least 600 trapping) and are only valid for the late season.
    The number of hunting licenses offered to nonresidents will be capped at five percent for both the early and late seasons.

    Application process

    Application materials will be available online on or around Aug. 1
    A person must have proof of a current or previous hunting license to apply
    Trappers born after Dec. 31, 1989, need a trapper education certificate or proof of a previous trapping license to purchase a wolf trapping license.
    The application deadline will be Sept. 6; online winner notification will be no later than Oct. 14. Licenses will be available for purchase no later than Oct. 15.
    Groups of up to four individuals many apply as a single group and may assist another licensed wolf hunter but may not shoot or tag for each other.
    Applicants can apply for only one of three license types: early wolf hunting; late wolf hunting; or late wolf trapping.


    All animals must be registered by the day following the day of harvest (can be done electronically at ELS agent or by phone).
    Harvest registration information/reporting will be available online and via a toll-free phone number.
    Carcasses must be surrendered for collection of biological data.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ve always considered the carcass at the bones/meat of an animal. The coat/skin would not be part of what needs to be surrendered. At least not in my mind.

    Posts: 731


    I’ve always considered the carcass at the bones/meat of an animal. The coat/skin would not be part of what needs to be surrendered. At least not in my mind.

    I believe this is correct. Otherwise what would be the point?

    I’ll be applying for the early season hunt as will most of our MN deer hunting crew. We’ve been waiting for years to get the chance.

    The DNR’s wolf population “estimates” are, IMO, laughably low and are heavily influenced by politics. This becomes obvious when you consider that the DNR is constantly presenting the population as if it were a hard, factual number based on an actual count. In fact, it’s a loose guesstimate based on an insignificant sample size and it fails to take into account just how wary wolves are and how difficult they are to find.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001



    Carcasses must be surrendered for collection of biological data.

    Interesting…So does this mean one cannot keep the pelt if they wanted?

    My god. The rules are being made by retards.

    Posts: 539

    I will be applying for the early season as well.

    We cannot keep the meat? Bummer.

    Posts: 346

    What about the skull? I’d want the skull beetled/bleached.

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