Biometric Safes

  • Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    I saw that Kooty posted a while ago on this topic, were there any conclusions? I want one for all the usual reasons, kids in the house, but want to retrieve the firearm quickly if needed.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I have not purchased one yet. Still waiting for a few more reviews of the Barska to come out. So far, they are mostly positive.

    What I’ve read so far, they are all “trickable”. Meaning if your kid is smart enough to copy your fingerprint on a piece of tape etc… They could still access the safe. For me, by the time they are that smart, I’ll have the trained not to play with guns.

    Bob Janicek
    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 40

    I tend to agree with you on that point, heck at ten they know better. Problem is there is no going backward and the ‘what if’ is way too costly. Keep me posted if you find a favorite please, the reviews are all over the place.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    I’m really close to pulling the trigger on one. I’m just trying to find the best return policy I can in case I don’t like it.

    I also need something for my pickup. I can’t be carrying when I pick kids up at school, so I’m looking for something convenient that I can mound in my center console.

    Posts: 1048

    I use biometric finger print readers daily. I don’t think I would get a safe that has only biometric functionality. It is not a perfect science. I have user’s that have their fingerprints quit working because of skin injury and for no reason at all and I have to have them create new fingerprints for the reader. They are sensitive to the moisture level in skin if you have very dry working hands good luck I have users that have to use lotion before doing their prints daily. Do you trust you life to a Biometric reader? I don’t and I have used them for over 10 years 5 days a week.


    Posts: 776

    I had a biometric safe that I never got to work right,I use my hands a lot and they are always getting beat up and I finally sent it back,for a combination safe.


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