Just found out our local warden David Walz received a promotion and will be moving out of this region. He did a presentation at my daughter’s highschool, and told her of the news. We’ve had a long (very positive) history with David over the last 11 years. Kudos to him! I’ve been very fortunate to have David as our local warden. He’s gone well above the call of duty to do his job the best that he could do. It’s my opinion that he is the epitome of what every warden should be like. Very professional, uses common sense, outstanding with kids and contributing to any event that enhances the outdoors. That list can go on and on. I can’t even begin to state how many times I see him traveling the roads around here; and having a very good presence amongst the hunting/fishing community here. He’ll leave a large void to be filled by who ever has taken his place. Not to even mention the funny stories that come out of his job….like releasing a badger at 7:30 at night
David, thanks for all that you have done to protect our resources. Your efforts are noticeable and very much appreciated! Best wishes in your new endeavors.
February 17, 2012 at 6:17 pm