Military Boys Score in the southwest

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    One of my oldest friends has been deployed in the southern US training troops headed for the middle east. A couple weeks back of few of the soldiers in his command drew some special tags. There were 5 Audad tags awarded to “nonresident” soldiers. I’m not sure on the Oryx.

    Anyway, they headed to the mountains together and after much treking and a few missed shots the boys were able to score on two Audad. I don’t have any details on the Oryx yet. The first Audad is a Booner.

    Congrats men and THANKS for all you have and continue to do for our country!

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374

    Awesome looking animals and a big big thank you for all you have done for us

    Posts: 2998


    Awesome looking animals and a big big thank you for all you have done for us


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